Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants


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Majority of Voters View FBI Search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home as Justified, WSJ Poll Finds
Survey shows deep partisan division over the pursuit of classified documents that former president was storing at Mar-a-Lago

Just over half of registered voters think the Federal Bureau of Investigation search of Donald Trump’s Florida home was appropriate in trying to determine whether the former president wrongfully possessed classified information, a Wall Street Journal poll shows.

The survey also highlights the stark partisan divide when it comes to the search of Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, as well as how the FBI’s Aug. 8 operation has made Republicans more motivated to vote in November’s midterm elections.


Given a choice between two statements, a 52% majority agreed that the FBI action “was part of a legal and proper investigation to determine whether former President Trump was involved in any wrongdoing,” while 41% viewed it as “just another example of the endless witch hunt and harassment the Democrats and Biden administration continue to pursue against former President Trump.”

Four in five Republican voters agreed with the statement that suggests the search was part of a “witch hunt”—a phrase Mr. Trump often uses himself—while about a third of independents held that view and 5% of Democrats did.

The proportion of Republicans backing Mr. Trump’s view of the search is in keeping with the durable level of support he has enjoyed within the party since his 2016 presidential nomination, no matter the circumstances. The survey found 39% of voters overall had a favorable view of Mr. Trump.

For voters overall, 51% said the search would have no impact on their likelihood to vote in the midterms. But among Republicans, 64% said it would make them more likely to vote.

While the poll suggests the search has stoked enthusiasm among Mr. Trump’s core supporters, the Justice Department’s investigation also has kept the former president at the forefront of the news, meaning that he sometimes overshadows GOP efforts to focus the midterm campaign on a troubled economy and high inflation.

In an escalation of its allegations, the Justice Department said in a court filing Tuesday that “efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation” and its recovery of the documents. On his social-media platform Wednesday, Mr. Trump again criticized the search and cited it as a reason to “drain the swamp” in Washington.

Earlier this week, Mr. Trump hired a top Florida lawyer to lead his defense related to the Justice Department’s probe. Chris Kise, the state’s former solicitor general, was retained after a number of other lawyers declined to work on the case.

Mr. Trump has also filed a lawsuit seeking the appointment of a special master to review the materials seized by the FBI. If approved, a third party—such as a retired judge—would review evidence to decide whether it is protected by attorney-client privilege or similar legal doctrines.

The Wall Street Journal poll of 1,313 registered voters was conducted Aug. 17-25 by Impact Research and Fabrizio, Lee & Associates and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points. Half of the interviews were done on cellphones, with the remaining split evenly between landline phones and text messaging accompanied by an online survey.


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Justice Department prosecutors won't act on Trump until after the election: report
Sources told Bloomberg News reporter Chris Strohm that the Justice Department is unlikely to make any movements against Donald Trump ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

It has been three weeks since the Justice Department was issued a search warrant on Trump's resort, Mar-a-Lago, to retrieve classified government documents. Tuesday evening, the DOJ filed documents that went so far as to show photos of the classified folders strewn about on the floor of Trump's personal office.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has been sending out letters reinforcing the importance of DOJ staff being non-political and that if there are any legal actions taken against a politician they must go through Garland himself. The Justice Department has a policy that no investigations would be publicly discussed 60 days prior to an election, which is Sept. 10, 2022. The rule came after former FBI director James Comey announced a probe into Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election, which some credit as a factor in her loss.

There's no policy that precludes the DOJ from taking steps in the investigations behind closed doors. Trump has shown that he will release information publicly and it's unclear whether he would be honest about what, if anything, is happening. If something like that happened, and Trump lied about what occurred with the FBI or DOJ it's unknown whether they would step forward to correct the record or if that would violate the "60-day" rule.

“While he isn’t on the ballot in November, Trump has endorsed candidates who are, and he leads a fierce political movement. He recently demanded that he be reinstated as president or a new election held. Trump also might declare he’s running for president prior to November," the report explained.

It's unclear if the DOJ will have what is needed to announce any kind of charges of indictments of Trump and/or his allies by November.

Charges against Trump being announced would likely be seen as a political ploy, but Trump is already claiming that the search warrant was politically motivated to impact the 2022 and 2024 elections. He hasn't declared whether or not he's running in 2024, however.

Read the full report at Bloomberg News.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the republicans have flatly told trump that if he declared before the election, they would cut him off financially.
as i understand it, trump declaring would be a unique position for the DOJ...can they indict and prosecute a presidential candidate after he declares he is running? there seems to be no law that says they can't but there does seem to be some kind of politically taboo rule against it. so i'm kind of confused about what exactly the DOJ strategy is here? it seems to be to waste so much time that he declares, and then they have some kind of excuse for not prosecuting the traitorous trash...
i'm about to rescind my conditional apology for Garland being a fucking nutless wonder...
someone, besides DIY, explain to me why i shouldn't think this way?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I just thought about it, if it leads to a civil war, it will be the exact same story as last time...
one group believes another group should be bound to permanent slavery vs those who believe we all have the right to try to live our best lives.
that's what it's always about...fighting our own evil, mastering it and rising above it...or giving in to it and sinking to the level of animals.
i know which side i'm on, men control animals...animals only destroy

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Former President Donald Trump argued in a court filing Wednesday that the National Archives should have expected to find classified material among the 15 boxes Trump turned over in January from Mar-a-Lago because they were presidential records.
The filing, his closing written legal argument before a critical hearing Thursday, acknowledged that classified material was found at Mar-a-Lago, but argued that it should not have been cause for alarm -- and should not have led to the search of Trump's Florida residence earlier this month.

yeah, because every president has taken home top secret sci documents at the end of their terms...oh wait, no they fucking haven't, you fucking ochre orangutan...
where are the fucking sirhan sirhans when you need one? i'd even settle for a mark david chapman about now...
why do good people get assassinated, and evil fucktard pieces of misery spreading shit live to be 100?


Well-Known Member
she is either lying, or she sucks INCREDIBLY badly at searching for large, bright, red and yellow bordered documents that one can see from across a room...
I think more likely, she's not lying. The documents weren't there when she searched through Trump's office. The documents were moved into Trump's office after she searched. This is what they are talking about when DOJ says they have evidence of obstruction.

In any case, they found a document containing a list of spies working for the US in other countries. In his office, maybe even his desk drawer. Probably moved there after his lawyer searched the office. This looks very bad for Trump.


Well-Known Member
Chump as ‘president for life’, a la Moamar Gaddafi, and the US converted into a permanent oligarchic state by the anti-US, pro-slavery, billionaire class and their Confederate leftovers
Although he did mention liking the President for life scenario with Xi as well as an okay on the Uighur camps.

So then you agree he had his eye on the SSA?

still does.