I wanna grow cactus

Been thinking of growing san pedro cactus, can l get in Ontario Canada? Anyone know? Time to visit the nursery lm guessing. Poppies too, very interested.

Should not be hard to get; seeds are legal. Can’t remember where I got my bridgessii seed from but this vendor is popular…
So…it seems we have hit the xylene mother lode. Was just about to toss out the cactus snot bottles when I noticed there was a fair amount of xylene still floating on the surface of the aqueous layer. After several weeks of stagnation the cactus snot has become more like a solid than liquid …almost gelatinous… making it easier to tip down the bottle and get my super long tube in there to suck off that yummy xylene. Mmm Delicious! 21D4B645-8F45-4706-B3D6-85F49559D106.jpeg
Nice tek. I've done a bit of solvent separation in my time, way in the past. Like 40 years in the past, lol. And not cactus. But What really helps with separation is a separatory funnel. So much easier and less messy than sucking the top layer of solvent with a pipette or turkey baster.

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As it happens I have a friend who told me exactly the same thing; a separating funnel is also discussed in the thread I got all this from. Live and learn. Thanks for the idea; will try it that way next time.
Still planning on doing more salting cycles w/current xylene. Fairly certain we got everything from the snot bottles. Next cycle will determine if I keep going or not.
So the final salting yielded exactly squat. I’d say this project is coming to a close. There’s only one more step of the process: cleaning any possible contaminants. We have collected .8g so hopefully all of it remains after dissolving in acetone. Once evaporated I will toss up a pic of the final product.
In other news one of the cactus that were harvested is having babies. There’s 2 pups now growing out from the old stump. Pics are coming… stay tuned for more adventures
Ive been reading for years about mescaline cactus but never thought to grow some until now. I have just ordered some T. Bridgesii seeds and plan to try and germinate them. How difficult is it to grow cacti from seed and how long will it be before I have plants large enough to extract doses? Any and all helpful information is welcome thank you
Want my advice? Make some DMT, it's fun. You can also find fast growing columnar cacti where you can buy stuff... You really need to do more research if you think you'll just throw some bridge seeds in the dirt and they'll take off like a beanstalk... Mescaline cactus are grown for future generations. Try to get in contact with peyote way church of god in Wilcox AZ. Good people great cause to help with. If it's the experience you're looking for they do overnights on the property and it's definitely worth the trip in my opinion.
Curious if I may ask what kind of cactus soil mix are you using

Is it organic?
Yes it think it was OMRI organic but it was nothing special just a bagged miracle grow cactus and succulent mix. Got it at my local Home Depot I am fairly certain. I have subsequently gone up to a 5g container in which I used a mix of recycled soil, perlite, and EWC. The cactus has been growing in my windowsill for many years now.
Want my advice? Make some DMT, it's fun. You can also find fast growing columnar cacti where you can buy stuff... You really need to do more research if you think you'll just throw some bridge seeds in the dirt and they'll take off like a beanstalk... Mescaline cactus are grown for future generations. Try to get in contact with peyote way church of god in Wilcox AZ. Good people great cause to help with. If it's the experience you're looking for they do overnights on the property and it's definitely worth the trip in my opinion.
Thanks but I have already thrown said beans in the dirt and they in fact grew like beanstalks. I’ll bet the peyote church of god knows how to party but I’m not looking for a paid experience. The idea here was to grow my own cactus and then try to extract something useful from it. I actually got to try the mescaline I made at home and understand why you say the cactus is grown for future generations. While I definitely felt something from a small 1/2g dose it was not the breakthrough experience I thought it would be. Ended up eating mushrooms anyway and giggled with freinds late into the night. I am guessing the cactus probably needs much longer to grow to produce enough mescaline with the right potency than just a few years. I have been told the same about DMT and the extraction method I used here is a similar process. Might give that a try thanx…
So the final salting yielded exactly squat. I’d say this project is coming to a close. There’s only one more step of the process: cleaning any possible contaminants. We have collected .8g so hopefully all of it remains after dissolving in acetone. Once evaporated I will toss up a pic of the final product.
In other news one of the cactus that were harvested is having babies. There’s 2 pups now growing out from the old stump. Pics are coming… stay tuned for more adventures
Wow forgot to take pics but no matter…the extraction project was kind of a bust. Learned a lot about stuff anyway so not a total loss. Plus the cactus itself has already recovered and is now growing out from the stumps. The pot was getting crowded anyway. The larger cacti will continue to grow without being shaded out by the bigger ones.
Yes it think it was OMRI organic but it was nothing special just a bagged miracle grow cactus and succulent mix. Got it at my local Home Depot I am fairly certain. I have subsequently gone up to a 5g container in which I used a mix of recycled soil, perlite, and EWC. The cactus has been growing in my windowsill for many years now.
That's awesome man...I was told to get some commercial cactus mix and mix with sand
Just realized I never actually ended this thread. So we ingested the crystalline mescaline with some water and it did nothing. Felt nothing. Maybe my cactus has no active mescaline I don’t know. Was a lot of work for nothing. But the cactus is still growing and they are beautiful. Maybe will try extraction again some day but I’m good just trippin on shrooms, LSD, and whatever Molly I can find. Seems like it’s easier to get psychedelics these days than ever before.
Here's a bunch of San Pedro's, they're 15 feet tall, probably have 30 of them! Never tried to extract anything. I remember back in my high school daze my buddy had a great saying: "Peyote is the greatest high in the world, if you like hallucinating over a toilet!" I concur. Back in the 70's I was getting MDA from a research lab, and back then it was legal, then they started passing "designer drug" laws.
Here's a bunch of San Pedro's, they're 15 feet tall, probably have 30 of them! Never tried to extract anything. I remember back in my high school daze my buddy had a great saying: "Peyote is the greatest high in the world, if you like hallucinating over a toilet!" I concur. Back in the 70's I was getting MDA from a research lab, and back then it was legal, then they started passing "designer drug" laws.
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Beautiful specimens; would be a sin to cut them. Glad to see they are seriously researching MDMA for ptsd it should be accessible to everyone who needs it even if you just wanted to fkn dance all weekend.