Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
I think the radical right has gone so far right the left looks centrist
That’s what most of us (cough)RINOs are doing
And backbone is no longer a trait of Republicans nor principles
Except, the false dichotomy of "right and left" is so deeply ingrained in your head, you don't see the similarities between the things you think represent differences.
The proper perspective isn't "right vs left" as in describing the flavors of political thugs. It's right, as in proper and correct, no involuntary coercion based government vs wrong, a coercion based government. Repeat...the proper perspective is RIGHT VS WRONG.
Both political right and political left do it wrong, since both are okay with violating the consent of every individual within a given geographical area (tax plantations, open air prisons etc.). A principle of "let's not violate individual consent of peaceful people" is a good one, held by sane and principled people. That principle isn't the one rapists or any coercion based governments or their fan clubs adhere to.
When I say "coercion based government, I mean a group of people who claim authority over others by virtue of their willingness to violate consent as a regular and routine part of their mode of operation. In the same way, thieves, murderers and rapists do.
So, tell me how a rapist and a politician (right or left leaning in the political sense) who thinks it's okay to violate consent are NOT alike with regard to the means each uses ?