Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

I think the radical right has gone so far right the left looks centrist
That’s what most of us (cough)RINOs are doing
And backbone is no longer a trait of Republicans nor principles

Except, the false dichotomy of "right and left" is so deeply ingrained in your head, you don't see the similarities between the things you think represent differences.

The proper perspective isn't "right vs left" as in describing the flavors of political thugs. It's right, as in proper and correct, no involuntary coercion based government vs wrong, a coercion based government. Repeat...the proper perspective is RIGHT VS WRONG.

Both political right and political left do it wrong, since both are okay with violating the consent of every individual within a given geographical area (tax plantations, open air prisons etc.). A principle of "let's not violate individual consent of peaceful people" is a good one, held by sane and principled people. That principle isn't the one rapists or any coercion based governments or their fan clubs adhere to.

When I say "coercion based government, I mean a group of people who claim authority over others by virtue of their willingness to violate consent as a regular and routine part of their mode of operation. In the same way, thieves, murderers and rapists do.

So, tell me how a rapist and a politician (right or left leaning in the political sense) who thinks it's okay to violate consent are NOT alike with regard to the means each uses ?
That AR won’t save you when the boogie man comes
Same old both sides bullshit
If I believed it was a both sides issue I wouldn’t choose one
Not a sheep
There is a massive difference in where the republicans have gone
And I still believe in diversity
Rapist or pedos aren’t high up on my concerns for the country I love
Odd it is on yours :shock:
I like how you nut jobs now claim horse dewormer is a cure for long covid instead only a preventative for covid, please never vaccinate for anything.
I won't vaccinate with a experimental non proven vaccine. Maybe you should go to your local mortician and ask him how business has been?
I don't mind if someone else feels it's right for them to get the shot or anything but not me. To many dying from the effects of it. Many people on this earth should not be breathing my air. Especially ones dumb enough to pump three experimental vaccine into their body that obviously do not even work. 1100 percent increase in covid cases amongst the vaccinated. It js a oa device of the vaccinate aged now. Where all this talk about separating the super spreaders out of society now?
I love it when the trash takes itself out
I won't vaccinate with a experimental non proven vaccine. Maybe you should go to your local mortician and ask him how business has been?
I don't mind if someone else feels it's right for them to get the shot or anything but not me. To many dying from the effects of it. Many people on this earth should not be breathing my air. Especially ones dumb enough to pump three experimental vaccine into their body that obviously do not even work. 1100 percent increase in covid cases amongst the vaccinated. It js a oa device of the vaccinate aged now. Where all this talk about separating the super spreaders out of society now?
I love it when the trash takes itself out

Please never vaccinate for anything.
Please never vaccinate for anything.
Only proven vaccines that work, please vaccinate for everything experimental.
You should see the damage the military us reporting from these shots. We'll we told you so. The difference is we are not calling for you all to lose your jobs and be separate from society. Perhaps we should? You mud bloods are contaminating society now.
That AR won’t save you when the boogie man comes
Same old both sides bullshit
If I believed it was a both sides issue I wouldn’t choose one
Not a sheep
There is a massive difference in where the republicans have gone
And I still believe in diversity
Rapist or pedos aren’t high up on my concerns for the country I love
Odd it is on yours :shock:
If you are on the left they are all rapists and pesos, how else could you support a party like them and judges turning them loose?
Don't incells get 5 jibzez? And the coof 6 times? Wow. It's a good thing you got the jibzez or the coof would have killed you after your 3 round with covid
Yep, always a good idea to notify when a leftist enters the room. All of you should have to yell retard alert whenever you enter a room that way everyone knows. Most of is can tell though by the purple hair , the limp wrist, the obvious gender fluid attitude and lisp when you talk.