Two weeds in a pot.....

Yea i will be switching to 5 gal cloth pots for the ac infinity self watering trays....i haven't tried them myself but i heard good things about them, have any of you guys seen/ heard about the wick line trays from ac infinity?

you can keep using the plastic ones.....i just make sure there is plenty of drainage
Im sorry but 2 plants in any size container seems like a waste to me.. Why go through all this work to potentially stunt both plants?

As far as 2 plants in a pot outside that too is a huge waste, regardless if that plant gets 7ft tall, its a beanpole and wont yield as much as it could..

I would chop the weaker of the 2 at the soil and let the other one enjoy more space..
I never said if you only had 1 in there it would be up to 14ft tall.. You do realize by having these plants crowded like this you are affecting the overall potential of each plant right?

Prime example.. Your 7ft beanpole that is over crowded and fighting for root space and nutrients.. This plant would have done so much better if you actually gave her space and didn't crowd her.

My 7ft+ plant "actually over 9ft"... With more space they do not crowd each other nor do they have to fight for resources.

Root space matters!
Even when your bed is 16ft long, 5ft wide, getting 2 plants in this can get very crowded..

Here is where I messed up.. Prime example of 2 in a bed or a container is just not a good idea..

This is Roadkill OG, it's still massive and healthy but at the same time, if I would have only put 1 of these in this bed she would have been even bigger, instead she is totally growing into the other plant and its a nightmare at this point.. A huge lesson learned here..
How does 1 grow up 5/6 ft plant in a one to two gallon pot inside so you mean to tell me they're fighting for roots now they're fighting for nutrients
I knew you would say something about me being in ground..

I could take your exact setup and produce much better results by just putting 1 of those plants in a pot.. Facts!

In ground, in pots, the same concept holds true.. If you over crowd your plants your root zone will suffer and it will affect the overall of your grow.
The fact is you tried to push your space too much.. You tried to get 2 plants out of a space that is barely big enough for 1..

As you can see I did this with the OG and I too am paying the price for it now..

In ground, in containers, it does not matter, if I over crowd my plants it will affect the overall period.
You are absolutely right about the overcrowdedness I did that just dialed on the whim I'm not knocking that but it can work
How does 1 grow up 5/6 ft plant in a one to two gallon pot inside so you mean to tell me they're fighting for roots now they're fighting for nutrients
Are you new to this or do you just not do much research?

Obviously common sense would tell you that if you have 2 plants in the same pot they are going to be fighting for root space and nutrients..

I thought all gardeners knew this...
Ok ok but what if you got a 4/3 no till organic bed just don't plant one plant in there or can you plant three or four are they going to fight for the same roof space so they're all going to get fed the same
This is why will all direct sowing, gardeners usually plant a couple more extra seeds to ensure they germinate and then they thin things out to 1 plant per spot.. This is common practice with most growing.
No, if you have 3 plants in a space that is too small, they will grow in together and at some point when their root systems are too big, yes they will be fighting for resources and all 3 would suffer from it.
Its the same concept with anything..

Let me toss 10 of you all into a room where you had no resources other then what I gave you..

I decide to give you 10 hotdogs and just toss them in the room.. Each one would get 1 hotdog each or 1 person would fight the others and take more hotdogs..

Now if I only put 1 person in that room and tossed the same amount of hotdogs in that room... Do you see the concept?