Dissolving seabird guano granules.


New Member
I'm actually working on growing bigger and better peppers and of course more. So I'm going with the bio-live and roots organics seabird guano, but they sold me granules and even after brewing 48 hours they hardly dissolve. So a little help here please!
My water is pretty hard but it's well water. Iron plus.
Should start with hot water, or boil the guano granules, or will that kill the good stuff?
How about grinding the granules into a powder. They are tough. I saw here that I should aerate the tea constantly, but what about all the granules that are still undissolved?
hm sounds like a lot of work for little benefit.
i would simply topdress your granules or mix them in to the soil, may brew some tea, funghi, bacteria, sugar and bubbles, pour that over your topdressed granules and i guess you should be fine.
otherwise grind it, i wouldnt cook it, as you say, bat guano is famous for its benefical bacteria, which you will clearly kill by cooking.
hm sounds like a lot of work for little benefit.
i would simply topdress your granules or mix them in to the soil, may brew some tea, funghi, bacteria, sugar and bubbles, pour that over your topdressed granules and i guess you should be fine.
otherwise grind it, i wouldnt cook it, as you say, bat guano is famous for its benefical bacteria, which you will clearly kill by cooking.
Problem is I bought 40 pounds of this mid season for the "instant benefits" that guano can produce. It should have been in the soil at planting time. I've watched other slow release fertilizer granules even mixed in stay for months. Did I also mention my water is super hard and I know that doesn't help. Just wondering. I think I'll pulverize some and see what happens.
i wont panic that much.
i use organic fert granules, but my guano is powder.
my granules dont stay for months, thats for sure, they disolve well in EWC rich soil on their own.
they act maybe within 2 days or such also.
topdress and see that there is bacteria to eat your pellets (its there anyway, but one can for sure speed things up).
next round you simply put it in your soil before planting.

or... yea if its itching in the fingers, grind some for now, next time simply mixed in the soil, thats perfect.
btw. i seldon brew tea anymore, atm not at all, the soil all does it on it s own when its moist and full of bennies anyway, but it dont hurt to brew.
i wont panic that much.
i use organic fert granules, but my guano is powder.
my granules dont stay for months, thats for sure, they disolve well in EWC rich soil on their own.
they act maybe within 2 days or such also.
topdress and see that there is bacteria to eat your pellets (its there anyway, but one can for sure speed things up).
next round you simply put it in your soil before planting.

or... yea if its itching in the fingers, grind some for now, next time simply mixed in the soil, thats perfect.
Thanks. I ran about a half cup with some water in my ninja blender for 5 minutes or more. It made a thick gray tea but still barely broke down the granules. Instead they sandblasted the inside of the blender! It's not so clear anymore. So next time I'll try a hammer or stone grinder. But I am noticing new bigger flowers within 3 or 4 days of my first application.