I hope you enjoy the next adventure Aaron! Since we've gone legal here on NM I've already gone through the cycle of- I love this, why am I not growing weed for a living? To damn that's fudged up they are boning these commercial growers so hard it's not even worth it.
Unfortunately the retailers or the store front industry got ahead of the pack with the highest cost licensing and then in turn set the price controls on the actual product that the whole entire industry is built on. Without flower there is nothing, yet the farmers have the lowest profit margins of all. And at the same time the growers take all of the risk. If your crop gets fucked up 4 months into a grow its all on you. Sorry for the rant I know you understand. Some of the prices I hear I dont think hardly cover the electric bill.
The "industry" is a joke, I do think there will be a separate counter culture of hobby and passion growers and smokers that either move back into the shadows and keep the torch going or there will be another side of the legal market like you were talking about such as high end cafes or social clubs where the people who truly enjoy amazing weed and what goes into it can separate themselves from the corporate model that just shits on the people who spend the most time with the plant, and the plant itself.