Examples of GOP Leadership

The Body Count Grows As Trump Followers Put Their Lives On The Line For Him
859,088 views Aug 14, 2022 It appears Donald Trump has always cost his followers' money and dignity - and now his rhetoric appears to be costing them their lives. A man in Cincinnati was killed after he opened fire on an FBI building a few days after the agency searched Mar-a-Lago. Should we be worried about more violence?
nah, fuck em, let them commit ritual suicide all fucking day, save us the time of hunting them down later.
nah, fuck em, let them commit ritual suicide all fucking day, save us the time of hunting them down later.
They know they are on the FBI's shit list now and if the democrats win in November and can pass some laws, they will be treated like the commies were in the 50's. Yeah, threatening the FBI and camping outside field offices in body armor while armed to the teeth is a really bright idea, the FBI have photo's and videos of them all and informants among them at every level.

Here's a thought, Garland indicts Trump and they convict him in a month over the secret documents (par for the course on this kind of thing), then before the election, congress impeaches Trump again over the crime, after he is convicted by a court. Then we can see how many republican senators vote no during the senate impeachment trial! :lol: Will they agree with 12 honest citizens?
Miss Lindsey will have a case of the vapors and will need a fainting couch in the witness stand! Surely they can't make the Queen of the GOP testify against the King of the GOP!

This is what Ron DeSantis would bring to the federal government...
Sarasota Schools freezes library book donations, purchases
The guidance was sent to school principals and shared with teachers just days before the start of classes on Wednesday. The change comes as HB 1467 took effect July 1, requiring all reading material in schools to be selected by an employee with a valid education media specialist certificate.
Laura Ingraham: Voters might say it’s ‘time to turn the page’ on Trump
Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday said Americans might be ready “to turn the page” on former President Trump as he decides whether to run for president a third time.

“People conflate Trump with people’s overall sense of happiness in the country. Donald Trump’s been a friend of mine for 25 years, and I’m always very open about this on my show. But, you know we’ll see whether that’s what the country wants,” Ingraham said during an appearance on Lisa Boothe’s podcast. “The country I think is so exhausted. They’re exhausted by the battle, the constant battle, that they may believe that, well, maybe it’s time to turn the page if we can get someone who has all Trump’s policies, who’s not Trump.”

Trump has unleashed a streak of populism in the Republican Party that might not appeal to voters writ large in 2024, Ingraham theorized.
“The other problem is that it’s really not about Trump, right, this is about the views that Trump now brought to the floor for the Republican Party,” Ingraham said. “They don’t like his views, they don’t like the fact that he called out the military for their failures, that he wanted us to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That he wanted to treat China and our trade relationship with China in a much — it was smarter, but much different way than the globalists preferred. And they certainly didn’t like the fact that he sent all those illegal immigrants back to Mexico with that Remain in Mexico.”
Ingraham has been among Trump’s longest and most loyal supporters in the conservative media ecosystem, just last week attacking the Justice Department and FBI following the search warrant executed at the former president’s Florida home in connection with an investigation into classified documents reportedly taken from the White House.

“When we get power back, it’s time to hold everyone accountable. The military leadership, the civilian leadership, the civil service, those in Congress who have abused their power, all of them have to held accountable,” Ingraham said on her prime-time show, hours after news of the search broke.
The Fox News host is one of several who the Jan. 6 House select committee found was texting with then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, imploring him to get Trump to do something to stop the rioting at the Capitol that day.

The relationship between top talent at Fox and Trump is closely watched by media watchdogs and political analysts as the former president flirts with another White House bid.

On Monday morning, “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy called on the former president to “tamp down the rhetoric” against the Justice Department and FBI following the Mar-a-Lago search and implore his supporters not to threaten members of federal law enforcement.
“Whatever we can do to help — because the temperature has to be brought down in the country,” Trump told a Fox News hours after Doocy’s remarks. “If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen.”
Laura Ingraham: Voters might say it’s ‘time to turn the page’ on Trump
Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday said Americans might be ready “to turn the page” on former President Trump as he decides whether to run for president a third time.

“People conflate Trump with people’s overall sense of happiness in the country. Donald Trump’s been a friend of mine for 25 years, and I’m always very open about this on my show. But, you know we’ll see whether that’s what the country wants,” Ingraham said during an appearance on Lisa Boothe’s podcast. “The country I think is so exhausted. They’re exhausted by the battle, the constant battle, that they may believe that, well, maybe it’s time to turn the page if we can get someone who has all Trump’s policies, who’s not Trump.”

Trump has unleashed a streak of populism in the Republican Party that might not appeal to voters writ large in 2024, Ingraham theorized.
“The other problem is that it’s really not about Trump, right, this is about the views that Trump now brought to the floor for the Republican Party,” Ingraham said. “They don’t like his views, they don’t like the fact that he called out the military for their failures, that he wanted us to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That he wanted to treat China and our trade relationship with China in a much — it was smarter, but much different way than the globalists preferred. And they certainly didn’t like the fact that he sent all those illegal immigrants back to Mexico with that Remain in Mexico.”
Ingraham has been among Trump’s longest and most loyal supporters in the conservative media ecosystem, just last week attacking the Justice Department and FBI following the search warrant executed at the former president’s Florida home in connection with an investigation into classified documents reportedly taken from the White House.

“When we get power back, it’s time to hold everyone accountable. The military leadership, the civilian leadership, the civil service, those in Congress who have abused their power, all of them have to held accountable,” Ingraham said on her prime-time show, hours after news of the search broke.
The Fox News host is one of several who the Jan. 6 House select committee found was texting with then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, imploring him to get Trump to do something to stop the rioting at the Capitol that day.

The relationship between top talent at Fox and Trump is closely watched by media watchdogs and political analysts as the former president flirts with another White House bid.

On Monday morning, “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy called on the former president to “tamp down the rhetoric” against the Justice Department and FBI following the Mar-a-Lago search and implore his supporters not to threaten members of federal law enforcement.
“Whatever we can do to help — because the temperature has to be brought down in the country,” Trump told a Fox News hours after Doocy’s remarks. “If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen.”
Isn't it amazing how they say about us what we say about them...But the facts all support us. So how do they come to the conclusions they come to?¿?
Isn't it amazing how they say about us what we say about them...But the facts all support us. So how do they come to the conclusions they come to?¿?
Garland owns Donald and Donald is scared, he told his morons to back off threatening the FBI and judges, but the enraged mob has a lot of inertia. With this kind of case and these charges, Garland could put Trump away inside a month and muzzle him from the moment he is indicted. There is precedent and sentencing guidelines that are well established in the law to put Donald away for life over this alone and there is heat from everybody who signed the official secrets act to nail his ass over it. So it's safe to say that Garland and the FBI have Donald by the balls over secret documents. The death threats to the DOJ, congress, courts, local election and school board officials and the FBI will be accounted for with new laws, if the democrats win a useful majority in the midterms. If the democrats win enough seats in the house and senate, the terrorist wing of the GOP is finished and I hope they go down real hard.
Laura Ingraham: Voters might say it’s ‘time to turn the page’ on Trump
Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday said Americans might be ready “to turn the page” on former President Trump as he decides whether to run for president a third time.

“People conflate Trump with people’s overall sense of happiness in the country. Donald Trump’s been a friend of mine for 25 years, and I’m always very open about this on my show. But, you know we’ll see whether that’s what the country wants,” Ingraham said during an appearance on Lisa Boothe’s podcast. “The country I think is so exhausted. They’re exhausted by the battle, the constant battle, that they may believe that, well, maybe it’s time to turn the page if we can get someone who has all Trump’s policies, who’s not Trump.”

Trump has unleashed a streak of populism in the Republican Party that might not appeal to voters writ large in 2024, Ingraham theorized.
“The other problem is that it’s really not about Trump, right, this is about the views that Trump now brought to the floor for the Republican Party,” Ingraham said. “They don’t like his views, they don’t like the fact that he called out the military for their failures, that he wanted us to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That he wanted to treat China and our trade relationship with China in a much — it was smarter, but much different way than the globalists preferred. And they certainly didn’t like the fact that he sent all those illegal immigrants back to Mexico with that Remain in Mexico.”
Ingraham has been among Trump’s longest and most loyal supporters in the conservative media ecosystem, just last week attacking the Justice Department and FBI following the search warrant executed at the former president’s Florida home in connection with an investigation into classified documents reportedly taken from the White House.

“When we get power back, it’s time to hold everyone accountable. The military leadership, the civilian leadership, the civil service, those in Congress who have abused their power, all of them have to held accountable,” Ingraham said on her prime-time show, hours after news of the search broke.
The Fox News host is one of several who the Jan. 6 House select committee found was texting with then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, imploring him to get Trump to do something to stop the rioting at the Capitol that day.

The relationship between top talent at Fox and Trump is closely watched by media watchdogs and political analysts as the former president flirts with another White House bid.

On Monday morning, “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy called on the former president to “tamp down the rhetoric” against the Justice Department and FBI following the Mar-a-Lago search and implore his supporters not to threaten members of federal law enforcement.
“Whatever we can do to help — because the temperature has to be brought down in the country,” Trump told a Fox News hours after Doocy’s remarks. “If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen.”
Unfortunately the constellation of grievance politics that man brought into the bright light is not showing any signs of abating. Maga are winning primaries.

The Lincoln Project needs a newshour on Fox.
It is a bummer when con men take advantage of mentally impaired people like these insurrectionist Republicans are.
while this sounds like sufficient grounds for an audit of election results in her district, it also sounds like the over confident babbling of a low level idiot who has overheard her bosses talking about the fix being in.
i think it might be a good idea for the national guard to be volunteered to help with polling this year...helping voters get from pick up points to polling places, and back, safely, providing security at polling places, and making sure that the results get tabulated honestly, legally, and safely, and that the real results get announced...because it's clear there are at least a dozen states that cannot be trusted, and who knows how many state level officials that are not trustworthy.
Anyone trying to intimidate voters or election workers needs to be shut down the second they start any shit, and prosecuted as far as they can be. Any election worker found trying to alter or add or remove ballots gets the same...no fucking "they cheated" bullshit this time.
Rudy and Lindsey are squirming bigly and will have to sit for the grand jury. Former CIA Director John Brennan says Trump and Rudy are screwed! :lol:

Rudy Giuliani Informed He's A Target Of Georgia Election Probe
35,365 views Aug 15, 2022 Washington Post reporter Jackie Alemany, former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi and former CIA Director John Brennan discuss news that Giuliani was named as a target in the investigation by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
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Rudy and Lindsey are squirming bigly and will have to sit for the grand jury.

Rudy Giuliani Informed He's A Target Of Georgia Election Probe
35,365 views Aug 15, 2022 Washington Post reporter Jackie Alemany, former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi and former CIA Director John Brennan discuss news that Giuliani was named as a target in the investigation by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
his appearances should be mediagenic.



Michael Cohen REACTS to Mar-a-Lago Search Updates and Guiliani Becoming a Criminal Target
31,124 views Aug 15, 2022 Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former fixer, responds gleefully to the updates surrounding the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, Trump flailing and circling the drain, and Rudy Guiliani becoming a target in the Fulton County DA investigation into 2020 election interference.
Rudy might not be coming back from Georgia!

Trump Panics: Rudy Giuliani Targeted For Indictment Over Georgia Coup Plot
995 views Aug 15, 2022 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was named a criminal target for first time. The Georgia prosecutor probing the TrumpWorld “plan” to steal the election with election interference. Giuliani now facing possible indictment as he’s scheduled to appear before the grand jury in Atlanta. MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent, Ari Melber reports on the “coup” plot. Former acting U.S. solicitor general Neal Katyal joins Melber, saying Giuliani should “expect to be indicted” adding Rudy “presumably has the goods on Trump.”

Lindsey loses in court; Rudy's now a target in GA criminal probe; Trump says FBI took his passports?

8,249 views Aug 15, 2022 Three big legal stories broke today. First, a federal judge rejects each and every legal argument Lindsey Graham offers to try to keep from testifying to a Georgia grand jury about Donald Trump's Georgia state election crimes. Second, Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis tells Rudy Giuliani's lawyers that Rudy is now a TARGET of the grand jury's criminal investigation. Finally, Donald Trump announces that the FBI "stole" his passports when the searched his Florida home/resort, Mar-a-Lago.

This video breaks down these three legal stories.

Please note: after this video was recorded, the Department of Justice reportedly indicated that Trump's passports were not seized. So Donald Trump may have . . . lied about that? Shocking, said absolutely no body.