Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Large shot Pepto Bismo, cold pizza, regular Coca Cola and Aspirin, massive amounts of water. If you have some 100% O2 huff it 15-20 minutes after you get that other shit down you.

I'm actually not that bad. It's more lack of sleep lol :lol:

I drank a couple cans of seltzer when I got up and had a few of those stuffed peppers. Now a Red Bull and we're going out to lunch for my mom's birthday. Lmao my wife sent me out to get a card......well she must have forgotten about me being a smart ass.....she wouldn't sign the card I got and just left to get another one :lol:

Damn, i can barely walk today. To much bending, squatting, and up and down yesterday. I feel like I went water skiing for the first time of the season.

Slept in then bacon and eggs. I might try and fix the flat tire on my ebike today. First I think a long hot shower might help!!

Happy Sunday all.
My T-rex arms agree with hot shower yuppers sounds good to me now to get my ass off the couch
Watched sandman yesterday..

Cool. No spoilers! I have to wait to watch it with the wife, so I've been catching up on Squid Game since it apparently was cool 6 months ago.

Got all the pool cues and parts in, took the daughter out on Friday for her lesson this week. She's shooting straight, has stop, draw, and follow shots down just needs to practice. Started her on cut shots but those are going to take some time. Saturday I got to take my cue out and spend some time at the pool hall putting it through the paces until the volume became more bar than pool hall. Spent today driving around town looking for 3-subject notebooks for school. Now I'm about to drop my kid and her movie date off at the theater.

Then finally back home to do some dabs.
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