Need help!

Out of 500 and only problems with two I wouldn’t even worry about them let them go and make sure nothing spreads 498 outside even if they do horrible you should get about two hundred pounds.

thanks, I was thinking the same but I didn’t want anything to spread to other plants by leaving them stationary! Thanks again
If your worried about them spreading and believe it to be a upper plant issue just remove them. I put out 125 and lost 30 some to animals and Bigfoot. I didn’t skip a beat and it don’t bother me if somethings wrong and I’m worried I’ll just take that plant down. If I did 500 and lost 100 I wouldn’t even blink a eye or be upset over it.
Hey guys, did some extensive research and we need your opinion on if were in the right direction with this one...

We took everyone's advice and ripped out the plants that displayed those viral signs and malformities in new growth. Well we took it a step further and dug up the roots to inspect every bit of the plant and soil that surrounded it. Two things we found kinda interesting. Take a look at the roots in the pics. After we cleaned them off, they seem pretty good but if you look close there appears to be some galls attached to a portion of the upper root mass. Its hard to tell if its intertwined with the root or is actually the root. After farmerfischer info on it being some type of leaf hopper, i looked up pathogens, viruses, and parasite effects that fell in the category of malformities in plant tissues and it led us to this online...

Hyperplasia is the enlargement of a plant tissue due to excessive increase in the number of plant cells produced. Hyperplasia results in overdevelopment in size of plants or plant organs. Hypertrophy is excessive growth due to the enlargement of individual cells. This condition also results in the overdevelopment in size of plants or plant organs. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy could result in the enlargement of leaves and fruits, and the enlargement of stems and roots.

So plant pathogens and parasitic insects can cause hyperplasia in plants, this is where farmerfischer leaf hoppers comes into play. We found like 5 different types of "grasshopper" like insects. So do these "malformed growths" popping up in other plants sound like a parasite being transferred from leafhoppers after a lil evidence? Or something else?


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I can't tell if that's curly top, unless it's had it for a while and grew thru it.

The galls are weird, usually some sort of root knot or cyst nematodes that cause those. It might be unrelated or the cause, check other plants at harvest. They don't seem to damage hemp severely as other crops when they establish colonies.
At least you know they are there now, you can treat the area if needed and look into resistant hemp cultivars.

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I can't tell if that's curly top, unless it's had it for a while and grew thru it.

The galls are weird, usually some sort of root knot or cyst nematodes that cause those. It might be unrelated or the cause, check other plants at harvest. They don't seem to damage hemp severely as other crops when they establish colonies.
At least you know they are there now, you can treat the area if needed and look into resistant hemp cultivars.

Ill most definitely look into it at harvest and come back with something, hopefully itll help someone else down the line. And thank you for that article Im gonna reread the species of nematodes that it lists, the stem nematodes caught my attention. All the info is much appreciated guys thank you!
Can somebody please tell me if these are preflowers I took this picture on July 9th I'm in no rush about the flowering stage at all I just want a good gauge as to where I'm at And if they are do I start counting from that dayScreenshot_20220810-221323_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20220810-220947_Gallery.jpg
If your worried about them spreading and believe it to be a upper plant issue just remove them. I put out 125 and lost 30 some to animals and Bigfoot. I didn’t skip a beat and it don’t bother me if somethings wrong and I’m worried I’ll just take that plant down. If I did 500 and lost 100 I wouldn’t even blink a eye or be upset over it.
If you leave some beef Jerky next to your plants Bigfoot will take the Jerky and leave the plants alone.

That's what the commercials tell me anyways
Can somebody please tell me if these are preflowers I took this picture on July 9th I'm in no rush about the flowering stage at all I just want a good gauge as to where I'm at And if they are do I start counting from that dayView attachment 5179096View attachment 5179097
Hard to stay from this pic, but no, it doesnt look like i see any pistels ( hairs)unless they are green,,, no balls either though... so thats good... you might not make it to the finish line in M.n. with a sativa.. or is it an indica x sativa dominate cross..?
If you make your own thread on this you may get more responses.. but from what i can tell there is no hairs