Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

This is just the beginning. Like everything else, they're starting at the bottom and working their way up. Much more to come, don't touch that dial.
I wouldn't expect indictments right away, they had Rudy's phones for months now. Donald still has useful work to do destroying the GOP, the Id monster of his creation (Forbidden Planet), there is still their primary season to fuck up. He needs to announce, get them rallies organized and start twisting his candidates arms to go after the GOP establishment. He needs control of the GOP and revenge on those who won't play ball. If he can, he will have the republican house candidates on the courthouse steps in Atlanta rioting during his TV trial, in a fantastic 3 ring circus of comedy, violence and mayhem.

The battle of Atlanta promises to be something to see.
They were looking for something specific..something that perhaps belonged 'we the people' either from the Capitol or White House; why they broke into his safe for it.

Gleaned from triangulation was, and I believe, that the National Archive went down there and got boxes. When they went through the boxes, documents were missing; he wouldn't give them back and they asked nicely but carried a big stick.

He's a fucking criminal.
I'm thinking of how Trump weaponized DHS against the good people of Portland in dubiously legal circumstances.

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Sending agents to retrieve top secret documents in the hands of an agent for Putin in a well coordinated, legally authorized operation seems tame compared to that.

He wanted to blitz Poland. He had to settle for Portland.

They also know he’s probably guilty.
They are like Donald and will avoid public humiliation at all costs. That's why Donald fears the TV trial in Georgia more than the federal indictments. The trial in Georgia is on TV and if he doesn't STFU, the judge will ball gag the fucker during the trial and on national TV! Fulton Co. is heavily democratic and half black and so most likely will be the jury. I'm hoping he draws a no nonsense black female judge...