So many stores

I love these threads. I hate the stores, and hate that these threads had to be created...
But I love these threads lol.

My sense of mediocrity, fake marketing, Mod-type goofballs selling it in the stores (get the Mod reference yeah you're old, and have great taste lol), high prices, and worst of all the fool ass customers who obv go to the stores it is ridiculous. I give it away to certain friends and they still go to the store lol!

Human nature and the youngsters always wanting to be hip seems to combine with the belief that THE NEW STRAIN must be great, right? Its somehow, magically going to do something the other 500lbs you've smoked hasnt done yet. That new cookie derivative or the magic cut from Assface must be the holy grail, after all. Its got 25% thc too!

I cannot get enough of the angst-driven posts lamenting how many stores there are with few customers. Same true in legal states in USA, they boom for a while and then trickle to eventual bust when the hype runs out and prices bottom.

Many of us always feared that Marlboro and Camel brands would do to cannabis the same as tobacco and they may not even get chance. Mediocre crap is already there at the stores in what should be "craft" quality.
Yah them trying advertising to make it look like some healthy and hip lifestyle thing was hilarious.

I love these threads. I hate the stores, and hate that these threads had to be created...
But I love these threads lol.

My sense of mediocrity, fake marketing, Mod-type goofballs selling it in the stores (get the Mod reference yeah you're old, and have great taste lol), high prices, and worst of all the fool ass customers who obv go to the stores it is ridiculous. I give it away to certain friends and they still go to the store lol!

Human nature and the youngsters always wanting to be hip seems to combine with the belief that THE NEW STRAIN must be great, right? Its somehow, magically going to do something the other 500lbs you've smoked hasnt done yet. That new cookie derivative or the magic cut from Assface must be the holy grail, after all. Its got 25% thc too!

I cannot get enough of the angst-driven posts lamenting how many stores there are with few customers. Same true in legal states in USA, they boom for a while and then trickle to eventual bust when the hype runs out and prices bottom.

Many of us always feared that Marlboro and Camel brands would do to cannabis the same as tobacco and they may not even get chance. Mediocre crap is already there at the stores in what should be "craft" quality.
Can't for at least a couple of years the new division of construction company were starting is taking off and should be able to make same money as I did with my store or more but I got monster bills to pay off that I the funds to keep the shop going. I don't wanna start bankruptcy and rather pay off what I owe.

I'm sorry to hear that you had to close your store. I drove out from town last summer to your shop during the "heat dome" and picked up some Jack's. You were too far away for me to become a regular customer but I enjoyed my visit. We spoke for a while and even at the time you were speculating that your store would close. I hope everything works out okay for you.
I'm sorry to hear that you had to close your store. I drove out from town last summer to your shop during the "heat dome" and picked up some Jack's. You were too far away for me to become a regular customer but I enjoyed my visit. We spoke for a while and even at the time you were speculating that your store would close. I hope everything works out okay for you.

Yah pretty rough getting things working again, went totally broke trying to keep the shop running hoping the lock downs end before all my customers stopped growing, not really looking forward to next two years trying to get back to what I had before COVID and repaying the crazy debts lol. There's quite a few stores that already shut down that were around longer than I've been in the industry (20 year) . Some of my supplier sales people I still talk to are expecting not to have jobs soon too as they say its dead for sales.

I did mange to get the online store going ok but the free shipping was brutal, in 2021 I ate up $5K or so in offering free shipping on orders, some of the stores online were so fucking stupid trying to compete with Amazon for free shipping yet charging less for the product than Amazon lol. This industry was its worse enemy. Also the prices for fertilizer sky rocketed right before I closed, some of the Jacks mixes went up 100% and some suppliers stopped carrying it as things started to get slow as there is more profits water than dry salts.

I think a hydro store can still make it BUT for say a city of 200K maybe one or two max and they have to be more like a nursery that open year round BUT that would take quite a bit more money to have enough stock to attract variety of customers year round.
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Ya I really feel for you Aqua Terra. Legalization has fucked up so many folks who made a living in the BM cannabis market.
I also get that!
In my mind all that money spent in the BM was much better than a few of these filthy companies making it all. My point is the BM economy did more for more people than this new legal market will ever do. look at all the companies as you say and store that are tits up or will be.
Fuck legalization all to hell.
BOYCOTT and tell all your friends