
Unfortunately, it also represents a big section of society.... Putin is counting on breaking their wills before his machine runs out of steam.
energy companies have been raking in record profits all over the world for the last few years, they can easily afford to absorb at least a portion of the price hikes that they employ so indiscriminately.
utility companies should be working with customers and their respective governments to ensure that everyone will have equal, adequate access, instead of passing along inflated prices while they absorb none of the price increases and continue to make record profits...

"So Josina, 35, has made a decision: she is not going to pay her energy bill. She is one of thousands of activists joining a civil disobedience movement protesting at the soaring cost of energy.

From 1 October, the energy price cap – the maximum amount suppliers can charge in England, Scotland and Wales – will go up, leading to further bill rises for millions of customers. The typical gas and electricity bill is expected to reach £3,358 in October, according to consultancy Cornwall Insight. In October 2021, the average annual bill was £1,400."
are these the bills for a single dwelling?
are these the bills for a single dwelling?
i think so...that means the average brit will be paying 335 USD a month for power...but british power companies aren't price gouging their customers...they have metric power...it's ten times as...something...which obviously negates that one hundred and twentyfive percent increase over what they paid last year...which was 141 USD a month on average.
i think so...that means the average brit will be paying 335 USD a month for power...but british power companies aren't price gouging their customers...they have metric power...it's ten times as...something...which obviously negates that one hundred and twentyfive percent increase over what they paid last year...which was 141 USD a month on average.
oh. I misread as monthly. Similar to Cali then.
oh. I misread as monthly. Similar to Cali then.
guess i should be glad i live in TN then, i keep my house at 75, run a big dehu that keeps the house at 60% rh, leave lights on all the time (because i'm forgetful, not intentionally wasteful), and run about 2500 watts worth of leds for at least 12 hours a day, and my bill is usually just under 200 a month, like 185-195
guess i should be glad i live in TN then, i keep my house at 75, run a big dehu that keeps the house at 60% rh, leave lights on all the time (because i'm forgetful, not intentionally wasteful), and run about 2500 watts worth of leds for at least 12 hours a day, and my bill is usually just under 200 a month, like 185-195
I am exploring living cheaper. So far this season I have only run the a/c when we get the odd hot night. With our dru air, redneck a/c (wetting the front of my t-shirt) works quite well.
Whew …. Pull up a chair on this one.
3:52 Biden / russia / china

He's a musician not a philosopher or even a particularly deep thinker, however he may be a virtue signaler. What is his answer to the atrocities we have witnessed repeatedly, the acts of genocide and the stated purpose of such? In 1939 he would no doubt have been a fan of Neville Chamberlain, peace in our time and appeasement. I wonder how he would feel with his hands tied behind his back about to be shot in the head by a fascist or an imperialist. Should we also not punish criminals, as a matter of pragmatic principle?

He is full of shit and gets upset when the obvious flaws in his arguments are challenged with common sense and logic. He would be turned into a beast of burden or slain, while the warlord's men fucked his wife and enslaved his children, end of story.
The whataboutism of Chinese treatment of their people is epic.
The guy debating Waters missed an opening in that discussion. Waters asked what "countries did China invade and kill it's people?" (paraphrased) The other guy conceded the point. He should have pointed out that Tibet was invaded, occupied, its people suppressed and is being colonized by Han Chinese. Waters neglected that too.
He's a musician not a philosopher or even a particularly deep thinker, however he may be a virtue signaler. What is his answer to the atrocities we have witnessed repeatedly, the acts of genocide and the stated purpose of such? In 1939 he would no doubt have been a fan of Neville Chamberlain, peace in our time and appeasement. I wonder how he would feel with his hands tied behind his back about to be shot in the head by a fascist or an imperialist. Should we also not punish criminals, as a matter of pragmatic principle?

He is full of shit and gets upset when the obvious flaws in his arguments are challenged with common sense and logic. He would be turned into a beast of burden or slain, while the warlord's men fucked his wife and enslaved his children, end of story.
He said the Ukrainians had it coming.
With logic like that, there is no barrier to saying the Jews had it coming, which is full goose bull moose Nazi awful.
The melodramatic wincing and crying is pretty hilarious…. Just looking at news of their banking systems/ lack of money / mortgage defaults on unfinished housing and that stupid Zero Covid policy ( locking entire neighborhoods down ) shows much deeper problems.

Even the heavy flooding news that they “ quietly “ bury / impacting farming. Faulty building practices ( tofu dreg ) - empty highrise buildings all over and the evergrande debacle.

Let them waste munitions
Looks like the Russians might have their asses handed to them soon in Ukraine and economic sanctions are starting to bite. A major victory before fall would be helpful to the Ukrainians and for the democrats election prospects in America, every little bit helps. An improving economy, domestic policies, GOP screwups and driving the Russians back in Ukraine could help a lot, fuel prices are dropping but food prices are still high.

Joe must wanna keep the fear level down going into the election, one less concern along with lower gas prices and the effects of the recent legislation should also help reduce the general level of fear people feel. When we are fearful our focus narrows, we tend anger easily, to go tribal and critical thinking is impaired. It's easy to get people to feel fear and anger if they think a hoard of the "others" are invading the country taking over and replacing them, like in Ukraine only in their imaginations. Slow and steady, don't spook him into leaving or using nukes, let him bleed out slowly in the trap.

I figured once Joe had Vlad by the nuts he would squeeze a bit harder, however, day by day Vlad's military might is being ground down as irreplaceable munitions are spent and equipment is lost, along with the officer corps. The Russians are still being steadily reduced in Ukraine and to strengthen the south they must weaken the east and their dependence on rail transport makes them vulnerable. The Ukrainians have shorter lines of internal communications and could attack in the south or the east but the Russians need to go the long way around, including via Kerch to Crimea.

A longer war means longer sanctions and atrocities mean seizing Russian money held abroad, it means less European dependency on Russian energy and deep damage to their economy.

What U.S Aid to Ukraine is ACTUALLY Doing

154,600 views Aug 7, 2022 $54 Billion Dollars in American Military Power Projection gets Ukraine no tanks, Infantry Fighting Vehicles or Fighter Jet Aircraft like the M1 Abrams, M2 Bradley, or F-35. What is the strategy here with this money? What is the United States goal with sending aid to Ukraine. Will it help with the counter offensive? Can the US Army intelligence services hope to help out in this war for that amount of funds? The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has entered a new stage in the south in Kherson and east in the Donbass. Who will win, remains to be seen.
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Looks like the Russians might have their asses handed to them soon in Ukraine and economic sanctions are starting to bite. A major victory before fall would be helpful to the Ukrainians and for the democrats election prospects in America, every little bit helps. An improving economy, domestic policies, GOP screwups and driving the Russians back in Ukraine could help a lot, fuel prices are dropping but food prices are still high.

Food prices direct from the farmer haven't changed the last 2 years. Fuel prices are coming down. Availability of stock is improving. Markets are steady. Real estate maybe leveling but rents are continuing to rise. Classic cars and pinball machines plus boats are starting to level out for their little price fall. As long as the US doesn't explode the world looks OK.
Ukrainian war will be going for ages and the world markets need to work around it. It's nothing new for them.