Well-Known Member
I guess that Florida's supreme court decisions don't mean anything in DeSantistan.Desantis could have vetoed and it still would have passed, reflecting the will of the women of Florida
You still have not documented anything repugnant to the FL or US Constitutions. It's on you to do as you claimed such.
So far you documented a Governor signing a law that was passed by Legislature. Document how that is Unconstitutional.
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.
Similar to DeSantis deciding to suspend democratically elected officials because they don't agree with his fascism, and not their actual actions. Just like he went into a full fascist temper tantrum after businesses in the area because they hurt his feelings. And how he lied about Biden telling them that they need to stop attacking school kids who want to play with their friends because it is good at riling up all the bigots.
But it is ok, I know that you can't break character and be real about anything that is against the right's next candidate for Dear Leader.