His white truffle tested positive for me and his temple 17 showed signs of the viroid, I wouldn't trust his test lol.. I did confirm with Tumi that it was a legit test but he could have sent in samples from anything..
Never thought of that. He could be sending absolutely anything and saying it's tested. That kinda shit is right up his alley
Not really, testing is super expensive. Most aren't or cannot cut into their profits that much.

If you used Tumi for 70 plants well 70x25=1750. And they recommend testing mothers every 2-4 weeks.
Don't know any grow or nursery that test 2-4 weeks. maybe every 2 months. unless they have it done inhouse
There is ZERO excuse for any breeder large or small not to test their breeding/cloning stock for HpLVd. OF COURSE Tumi (and other labs) recommend you test each keeper plant 5 times total to ensure it's viroid free-their business model depends on selling tests. It's the same reason following fertilizer feeding schedules will burn your plants-they want to sell more product. Testing more than once makes sense because of the way the viroid travels through the plant-it's entirely possible to have a newly infected plant with low viroid levels, pass the viroid on through a cut, which now also has low viroid levels. If you buy that cut and test it immediately, it might show up negative. Allowing that cut to grow for a month or two before testing will likely give you a more accurate result. BUT, if you do that, you need to be confident in your biocontrol procedures and not expose other plants to the plant in quarantine. At $25/test, everyone who sells clones/seeds should test their stock at least twice, with a month or two between tests. Ideally they should do exactly as Tumi says, especially if they have employees who might slack on procedure.
None of these clones are elite enough to stay pass the hype window… it’s not worth catching Ebola and losing everything …. I almost let my guard down … was tempted… thank god I avoided it… dropped a couple racks at Archive seeds and don’t have to stress about shit … Moonbow 112 smelling like candy from the heavens in veg
None of these clones are elite enough to stay pass the hype window… it’s not worth catching Ebola and losing everything …. I almost let my guard down … was tempted… thank god I avoided it… dropped a couple racks at Archive seeds and don’t have to stress about shit … Moonbow 112 smelling like candy from the heavens in veg
Isn't there a chance to get HLVD from seed?
Are there any good places to get seeds other than strainly?? Ordering to the US
No, zombie apocalypse came thru on tuesday...add to that the FEMA Waffle House index is basically it's armageddon with a Consumer Price Index of 1.3%! I think if cranberries dont appease the space spaghetti god, we're gonna run out of us based cannabis seed..i need a tinfoil want one? I'll make you one if you want..
Thought i had read somewhere there was a chance it could be passed via seed
I saw it in passing on this forum...i didn't follow up...yes any viroid can hitch a ride, but it's not something you guys should worry about. Was really trying to stop this panic streak this guy is causing
You can wipe a goat's ass with a PCR test and come out positive. The inventor of the PCR testing methodology, Dr Kary Mullis, said nobody was using his invention properly but oops, he died in 2019 conveniently right before the pandemic.

Now in the last 2 years I see everyone freaked out over testing shit.

Enjoy being scammed into killing off all your stock, folks.