I’ll takeWhy do trumpkins all lie?
My first thought was grounds for appealThis guy is a wack job but out of curiosity, is there any way this clown would have any recourse against his lawyers? Like a malpractice suit possibility? Id hate to see him get any back
That moment when he realized he was screwed, later he will rage about the injustice and go after his lawyers for being so stupid, but maybe they also ran across J6 related texts on the phone too. The records including texts, emails and perhaps encrypted apps go back 2 years, to the summer of 2020 well before J6/2021. If Alex had a hand in the insurrection or messages with republicans over the election he could be in trouble. His money is as good as gone and so in infowars, the plaintiffs will own it all while Alex tries to stay out of jail for perjury and worries about what else the DOJ might find on his phone. Keeping what he has will be difficult while he's in prison and his employment prospects on getting out would be bleak. There are always jobs on hate radio reading their script I suppose, but if the democrats win big enough that might change with aggressive FCC changes and regulations, including prohibitions against hate speech and dangerous falsehoods. They could replace rural AM radio with any number of systems and could allocate the bandwidth to digital, killing hate radio at a stroke. Even internet content on YouTube could be regulated better, by YouTube with encouragement and guidelines from the government.
The victims can take that too.This guy is a wack job but out of curiosity, is there any way this clown would have any recourse against his lawyers? Like a malpractice suit possibility? Id hate to see him get any back
Dontcha' just want to squeeze those shoulders and pop that pimple?
you are just not getting into the proper blamestorming spirit.I know this will come as a shock but Alex Jones has a long and documented history of substance abuse and mental health problems.