OK then. Biden 2020.

If it is a useful analogy, it would imply massive casualties in CWII, imo.

Back off topic, I cooked two lobsters in my life. One was per Julia Child, whom i hold in great esteem. “Invert lobster and slide into water at a lively boil for an instant kill” yeah no scrabble scrabble guilt.

Jacques Pépin checked in with his foolproof technique. “Before cooking, take large chef’s knife and bisect the head along the centerline”. Embedded link has a vid and, no.
My trial was lively even longer. I will let someone else punish giant arthropods for their heresy.

My technique follows Jacques recommendation. Bisecting the head kills the brain. What you saw was reflex contraction of the muscles. No brain, no pain. But I get it. A lot of people feel like you do. I don't do the job in front of my wife.
My technique follows Jacques recommendation. Bisecting the head kills the brain. What you saw was reflex contraction of the muscles. No brain, no pain. But I get it. A lot of people feel like you do. I don't do the job in front of my wife.
He is the greatest chef, his stories are hilarious. Cracks me up that all of recent stuff is just super lazy kids food, and it's fine, he has earned the right to do that and it doesn't diminish him. "Open a jar of jelly, add it to a jar of marshmallow fluff and mix it arrrroouuunnnddd(*French accent), now dip a chocolate bar in it. Done. Delicious. Have some more wine, julia loved wine!"

Just started ordering some hello fresh meal kits. They make me laugh. There were these Marco piere white cooking videos where he would just toss knorr seasoning cubes into the recipes at random points, all the hello fresh ones are the same and you squirt in a tube of stock concentrate at some point. All the sauce are just sour cream and a seasoning pack.

There is a great video of a pro, thought it was Pepin, using a Tojiro Western Deba “thet’s notta chef’s knoife” to slay a platoon of lobsters.
Might wanna mute the rap

(edit) it gives me the sqeeam. If it were my job, I’d probably get used to it. Since presentation is big for food pros, the need to cut neatly probably minimizes the shock.
There is a great video of a pro, thought it was Pepin, using a Tojiro Western Deba “thet’s notta chef’s knoife” to slay a platoon of lobsters.
Might wanna mute the rap

(edit) it gives me the sqeeam. If it were my job, I’d probably get used to it. Since presentation is big for food pros, the need to cut neatly probably minimizes the shock.
I'm with you about the vid. Those lobsters were not humanely dispatched. The scene where they dismembered live, alert and moving lobsters was a turn off for me. Not my thing to let an animal suffer any longer than the minimum. I spear fish, which has its moments if it's not a perfect kill shot but I carry a sharp spike to brain the fish quickly. The crabs I prepare are kept cold and comfortable up until I sever their central nervous system. It looks brutal but nothing like what the animal would feel if I tore it apart while alive or put it directly into boiling water. That said, when a predator snacks on one, it might be quick but, well, nuff said.
I'm with you about the vid. Those lobsters were not humanely dispatched. The scene where they dismembered live, alert and moving lobsters was a turn off for me. Not my thing to let an animal suffer any longer than the minimum. I spear fish, which has its moments if it's not a perfect kill shot but I carry a sharp spike to brain the fish quickly. The crabs I prepare are kept cold and comfortable up until I sever their central nervous system. It looks brutal but nothing like what the animal would feel if I tore it apart while alive or put it directly into boiling water. That said, when a predator snacks on one, it might be quick but, well, nuff said.
I remember when the BBC took the gloves off and showed, on maybe the Planet Earth series, a film of lions eating the guts of a wildebeest still trying to crawl. Aiee.
He is right, that is the problem with having agendas from everyone in the nation and not just a monolith of Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda like the Republicans. Also the Democrats had power in DC for about 7.5 years in the last 50 (kind of, without 60 seats in the senate there is not a ton that they can get through outside of budget items), and each time having to fix a broken economy that the Republicans left behind.
I also split a lobsters head, right between the eyes and roll forward. Instant kill. I brain catfish with a guitar string similarly, between 2 bones in the head just insert and scramble, 2-5 seconds.

I hope you great and powerful political opponents will grant us, the great unwashed a similar merciful fate when you finally reveal your totalitarianism out in the open as you're doing here:clap:
I also split a lobsters head, right between the eyes and roll forward. Instant kill. I brain catfish with a guitar string similarly, between 2 bones in the head just insert and scramble, 2-5 seconds.

I hope you great and powerful political opponents will grant us, the great unwashed a similar merciful fate when you finally reveal your totalitarianism out in the open as you're doing here:clap:
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I also split a lobsters head, right between the eyes and roll forward. Instant kill. I brain catfish with a guitar string similarly, between 2 bones in the head just insert and scramble, 2-5 seconds.

I hope you great and powerful political opponents will grant us, the great unwashed a similar merciful fate when you finally reveal your totalitarianism out in the open as you're doing here:clap:
You will be as disappointed as our German POWs certain that the atrocities their superiors warned the conscripts about were at hand … found out they were just meritless control devices.




And let's not forget the person who threw gas on the protests that really triggered all these white males into causing violence.

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Yes yes, others are responsible for your behavior. Sound logic as always. Please have Ray Epps arrested pronto.
Trump triggering his little white nationalists and other hate groups like the 'Proud Boys' into doing violence has nothing to do with me.

But it doesn't matter, you can't break character and be real because you are a disingenuous propaganda troll, here to sell the regressive agenda's messaging like a good little cuck.
Trump triggering his little white nationalists and other hate groups like the 'Proud Boys' into doing violence has nothing to do with me.

But it doesn't matter, you can't break character and be real because you are a disingenuous propaganda troll, here to sell the regressive agenda's messaging like a good little cuck.

Everything I don't like is a white nationalist conspiracy. Especially the pandemic of race hoaxes which artificially supplies this demand of yours.

Inb4 Russia Russia
Everything I don't like is a white nationalist conspiracy. Especially the pandemic of race hoaxes which artificially supplies this demand of yours.

Inb4 Russia Russia
lmao we literally have all the evidence you need in all the pleading guilty of these racist/brainwashed dickheads that rallied under Trump's flag and how Russia helped Trump to propagate his lies, yet you troll on like your livelihood depends on people believing the lies.

I guess 'livelihood' could be too far, you could be some dickhead kid trying to save up for bible camp or a new gun or something.


LOL You posted 4 pics of peaceful protests and 2 images of the same burning car from the 2017 anti-Trump protest. The other fire photo has non-violent protesters watching a giant Trump head being burned in effigy. BTW, 5 people were arrested, tried, and punished for the 2017 anti-Trump vandalism as they should be.
LOL You posted 4 pics of peaceful protests and 2 images of the same burning car from the 2017 anti-Trump protest. The other fire photo has non-violent protesters watching a giant Trump head being burned in effigy. BTW, 5 people were arrested, tried, and punished for the 2017 anti-Trump vandalism as they should be.
200+ arrested in DC and charged. 6 officer injuries. The DisruptJ20 Deploraball, my how soon we forget.


Whataboutism works both ways, if you keep going far back enough you'll see one party consistently throughout history has never wavered from the simple platform of "you work, I eat".