So about 14 years ago I was network engineer for a company that contracted with the state, I spent most my time driving to and from state and county offices repairing just about everything that had a microchip.
One day I get a call for a site that was over 3 hours away and they were completely down, couldn't run a criminal record, print a drivers license, or even print a damned receipt. I tried to ping their router and got no returns, had them reboot the router and then the server and still couldn't get through the network. So I had to hit the road. I had to knock out 2 other service calls on my way so it was already going to be pushing 4pm when I arrived, not counting the time it would take to get the office operational.
This office was WAY the fuck out in the sticks in one of the most deep south, redneck parts of the state. I was hauling ass in my work van. Now I was absolutely no stranger to getting pulled over, I always hauled ass and 99% of the time if they lit me up I got away with a warning because half the damned cops in the state were banging the state and county office girls on the side. A few had married them.
The cop who lit me up wasn't just a cop he was the actual elected Sheriff. My van always ran low on its shocks, I had 4 servers, 8 printers, 12 workstations and about 4 dozen pieces of smaller equipment that at the end of the day made it look like I was moving some serious weight. Couple that with the fact that the company tinted all the windows in the van and it really looked like I was trafficking. At the time I didn't smoke, hell I didn't even drink because any DUI, even while off the clock would have ended my job.
Anyway the sheriff nabbed me doing 89 in a 60 and came to the window pissed and ready to throw down, hand gripping his gun, and his weapon was unsnapped too. He was 100% confident he was getting on the nightly news for a major bust. I recognized him immediately, not just from the fact his face was posted in every office in the county, but also on the manger's desk of the office I was on my way to fix, his wife's desk.
He asked me in his southern draw, "Whar the hell you headed to so fast, son?" I looked at him with out missing a beat, "On my way to service your wife's..."
Before I realized what I'd just said, he had me yanked out the work van, put me in cuffs, and kicked me in the back of my knees into kneeling on the side of the road as he, and eventually two deputies were tossing my entire van. It took them almost 45 minutes to get everything out and I was getting questions left and right as to why I had blank drivers license cards, state equipment, county equipment, drivers license printers, security keys that would basically either allow me to run one hell of a counterfeit business, or be an IT repair lackey. He even doubted the authenticity of my drivers license and my state ID that permitted me access to every major state office there was at the time. The best part, he couldn't run my license or information because... his link to the network was down.
Once I finally got the asshat to believe that I was literally on the way to service his wife's computers, his deputies had thrown my equipment back in the van in the most disorganized way and he gave me an escort to the office. He pushed me in the door and looked at his wife, "you know this puke?" She looked at him and starts screaming at him for delaying me and making it so she would be getting off work extra late. Then proceeded to scream at him that he had better not bitch about not getting dinner because he held up "her personal service technician."
He continued to be a complete ass to me, but let me off with a warning and told me to change my language. I just looked at him and said, "You might want to let me finish the fucking sentence before yanking me out of my vehicle and you might have gotten some from your wife this week. Hope you enjoy Rosey and her five sisters for a while. Sucks to be you."
I'm really glad I got the fuck out of that position, but damn it left me some stories about dealing with the local piggies from every southern backwater county. That one is my favorite, because I was about to say "computer network" when he yanked me out of the van.