20 years + smoker, started getting intense headaches from weed


Hello all, seasoned toker here

Long story short, my cannabis consumption is now causing intense pain behind my right eye / temple

I have come to this conclusion, after having headaches everyday for about 3 months

It could be my eyes, dehydration, cannabis, smoking cigs, lack of sleep or coffee


After cutting everything out in stages, it was cannabis causing it

I go all day with only a slight headache, then have a spliff and it starts hurting

wtf is going on

I need cannabis to help me sleep, if I can't use this anymore, it's game over for me

Anyone got any advice?

Stay high friend

Are you buying it or growing your own?

I don't have any suggestion but it's possible it's something that's being used in the growing?
Thanks for the replies

Buying street deals, only way too in the uk, but I am trying to get a medical cannabis licence

Really sucks

I am considering going to the doctors, but I fear they will give me some proper bad news

The pain goes after taking ibuprofen, and sometimes the pain doesn't come at all

There's no pattern I can put my finger on apart from it goes turbo painful instantly after a joint

Thanks guys
Thanks for the replies

Buying street deals, only way too in the uk, but I am trying to get a medical cannabis licence

Really sucks

I am considering going to the doctors, but I fear they will give me some proper bad news

The pain goes after taking ibuprofen, and sometimes the pain doesn't come at all

There's no pattern I can put my finger on apart from it goes turbo painful instantly after a joint

Thanks guys
Go to the doctor
Thanks for the replies

Buying street deals, only way too in the uk, but I am trying to get a medical cannabis licence

Really sucks

I am considering going to the doctors, but I fear they will give me some proper bad news

The pain goes after taking ibuprofen, and sometimes the pain doesn't come at all

There's no pattern I can put my finger on apart from it goes turbo painful instantly after a joint

Thanks guys

Stupid question but do you caugh a lot when smoking? I had bad symptoms due to that and had to cut back a little. Yeah what they said, doctor. I take meds and smoke, sometimes you just have to.
Iron lungs here sir, never cough
I cough blood time to time lol ever since smoking cigs I cannot smoke like I used to. I felt like I could relate cause many are opposed to pharmisudicals but you can have illness that makes weed suck kinda or entirely, know friends who have same issues, pretty common. mental and physycal. I just smoke more to cope lol concentrates and vapors for those coughers.
I cough blood time to time lol ever since smoking cigs I cannot smoke like I used to. I felt like I could relate cause many are opposed to pharmisudicals but you can have illness that makes weed suck kinda or entirely, know friends who have same issues, pretty common. mental and physycal. I just smoke more to cope lol concentrates and vapors for those coughers.

Very good point
Off-beat question but do you do any other hard drugs? Cocaine perhaps? Everything you've explained, happened to me (sorta) back in my late twenties after my last coke bender, and i was suffering pain behind my right eye after smoking, after sex or exercise, etc. It eventually kinda went away & I've since had CT scans for other things so nothing was spotted (thankfully).

I agree, see a doctor.
It could be simple to serious
I cough blood time to time lol ever since smoking cigs I cannot smoke like I used to. I felt like I could relate cause many are opposed to pharmisudicals but you can have illness that makes weed suck kinda or entirely, know friends who have same issues, pretty common. mental and physycal. I just smoke more to cope lol concentrates and vapors for those coughers.
cough blood? Bro? What like Doc