I got a reply from Canna...
There could be a couple of reasons as to why you are experiencing this, mostly down to the quality of the water that you are starting with.
The precipitation that you see is from calcium and phosphor meeting each other at too high a concentration within the solution. When the concentrations of these two elements are too high in the same solution, they will form gypsum (plaster of paris) and will be rendered useless for the plant. You will see it solidify in the solution and drop/settle to the bottom of the container.
This reaction of too high a calcium and phosphor levels also happens more readily, at a higher pH level in a solution.
Both of these issues can be exacerbated when trying to prepare a nutrient solution in Hard Water Areas. Hard water (typically) contains a lot of calcium already, and contains relatively more bi-carbonates and as such is typically quite alkaline.
You should test your tap water, before adding any nutrients, so you correct it accordingly when necessary.
CANNA TERRA and COCO nutrients should be used alongside ´Normal Water´ to be most effective for your plant when you water. Normal water has an EC of 0.4-0.5. If your EC is over this then there are two options for you to consider before adding your base nutrients.
The first option is more of a quick fix ,and depending on the overall quality hardness may not work, but is worth at least trying before any further investment is required.
However it involves knowing the amount of pH adjuster you normally use after adding your nutrients, and adding it BEFORE anything else.
1) Fill your reservoir with cold water.
2) Allow 24 hours to get up to temperature (18-22 degrees C) and allow chlorines to evaporate.
3) Add the amount of pH adjuster (pH minus) to your water and wait until the pH has stabilised.
This will nuetralise the alkalinity of the solution and so lower the chances of the precipitation from high levels of calcium and phosphor.
4) Now add your part A to the reservoir and stir
5) Now add your part B to the reservoir and stir
6) Now add your additives (in the order: PK13/14, CANNAZYM, BOOST then RHIZOTONIC)and stir between each
7) Check your pH again (which should be ok), adjust further if necessary.
If this method of adding the pH adjuster in first does not work, then you will need to use an Reverse Osmosis (RO) machine to make your own ´Normal Hardness´ of water and then follow the usual nutrient mixing order:
1) Fill your reservoir with cold Tap water.
1a) Add RO water until your reservoir reads an EC of 0.4
2) Allow 24 hours to get up to temperature (18-22 degrees C) and allow chlorines to evaporate.
4) Now add your part A to the reservoir and stir
5) Now add your part B to the reservoir and stir
6) Now add your additives (in the order: PK13/14, CANNAZYM, BOOST then RHIZOTONIC) and stir between each.
7) Check and correct pH

Wait 20-30 minutes, to recheck pH and re-correct if necesarry (to allow bicarbonates to settle)
9) Use
I hope the above helps you to get the most out of your CANNA products and see just how effective they can be.
End of reply...
So I'm no further forward, I've replied explaining my water is 0.0.
When it start with saying water quality i think drought conditions?
We've had next to no rain this year, droughts are pretty rare around here and so is problems with precipitation I can't help thinking it's related, also check the temp they recommend that's within the temps I've had.
Feel free to tag in I'm fkn lost.