What would you like to see from a seedbank?

Lots of people like that terp chems diesels gassy all common descriptions in some strains. Thats why there is countless strains. Pick one you like?
I think the Breeders link on your page or the way you can specifically see all of the Breeders you carry needs to be more obvious. When you click on "Shop" you should have a button that says "Breeders" you can automatically just hit that lists each one and shows all the different selections.

When I was om your "SHOP" Page it took me a couple of minutes to figure out I had to click "HERE" to bring up that list. And even then that's just allowing me to search for key words when you click on a BREEDER'S name it doesn't go to his/her page. It's confusing.


Also I like when seedbanks/stores list specific drop times of when new packs become available.. and advertise those times on the forums. Example.. BREEDER A'S LATEST NEW DROP HAPPENING FRIDAY JUNE 17th AT 10PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME. It creates excitement.

Seed auctions for rare or hard to get packs are occasionally also fun.

Like a Photo of the month feature. A chance to win a pack of seeds that was contributed by the Breeder themselves. Just makes a site more likely.

but most importantly. Selection.
I've never even heard of most of the brands you carry. The Breeders packs that I'm most likely to purchase are from the USA. I don't recognize most of your seed stock. Goblin Garden? Backcountry Farms? Arquette Genetics? I don't know who most of these Breeders are.
What I’d like to see in a seed bank is a place that puts more importance on a seed’s phenotype rather than a flashy or funny name. I live in a prohibition state so I have little control over the cannabis products I consume other than growing it myself or getting some decent bud from people I know. So all those names mean little to nothing to me. But what I do care about when buying seeds is a plant that will work well with the conditions I am able to provide. Give me good information about what the plant from a particular seed will need to thrive and I can then make a better decision about which strains I should by trying to run.
As a hobbyist grower I'd love to see a choose your own pack or more variety in the multi packs. I'd love to get some super fire genetics but it seems all the really good ones mostly sell 5 or 10 minimum per pack. I don't really need 5 of the same strain. They'll have a multi pack or 2 but nothing I could customize myself. "Pick 5 seeds from any Solfire genetics seeds". I'd be all over that.
Another thing is I'd love to see more pics of what different phenotypes look like. 5-10 pics of what people who have bought them grew. I still do a lot of seed shopping visually.
Last thing is sales or deals. Even if they're not that good they get me to the site. I scan sites weekly for promos. I really only buy when one is going on. I just want to feel like I saved something and got ahead somehow.
Hope these help. I know hobbyist growers prob aren't your most profitable market, but we here, we've got a little money to spend. I'm new to this site but have seen you around a decent amount. Feels good when you know you can communicate with the company you're doing business with. I think I'm going to check you guys out soon. I've got a successful grow under my belt through mediocre seeds but feel like I'm ready to spend some money on really good seeds. Thanks for the opportunity to speak my mind and win freebies!
As a hobbyist grower I'd love to see a choose your own pack or more variety in the multi packs. I'd love to get some super fire genetics but it seems all the really good ones mostly sell 5 or 10 minimum per pack. I don't really need 5 of the same strain. They'll have a multi pack or 2 but nothing I could customize myself. "Pick 5 seeds from any Solfire genetics seeds". I'd be all over that.
Another thing is I'd love to see more pics of what different phenotypes look like. 5-10 pics of what people who have bought them grew. I still do a lot of seed shopping visually.
Last thing is sales or deals. Even if they're not that good they get me to the site. I scan sites weekly for promos. I really only buy when one is going on. I just want to feel like I saved something and got ahead somehow.
Hope these help. I know hobbyist growers prob aren't your most profitable market, but we here, we've got a little money to spend. I'm new to this site but have seen you around a decent amount. Feels good when you know you can communicate with the company you're doing business with. I think I'm going to check you guys out soon. I've got a successful grow under my belt through mediocre seeds but feel like I'm ready to spend some money on really good seeds. Thanks for the opportunity to speak my mind and win freebies!
A gallery kinda sounds like a good idea. With a member sign up on a site. Signing up can give members an easy check out, and a first purchase discount.
Also an option to submit photos for maybe a monthly photo contest. Of course grown Coastal Mary genetics need apply. If any pics are used including contest winners are used, maybe a mention of them for the grow credit would suffice outside of a prize won for actual winners.
Winning a contest could mean anything from a free mystery box with coastal Mary swag & seeds, or whatever you feel fit given the frequency.
Another idea:
Raffle tickets given with orders if certain purchase requirements met. A single run usually lasts a few months, so a semi annual draw isn’t stretching it at all. More purchases = more tickets. May the odds be ever in our favor.
Something of that nature should probably draw in some traffic & keep them around for a bit.
@CoastalMarySeeds A beginner seed section, where all the genetics are relatively the most drought/PM & pest resistant. The least finicky plants, that a beginner has the best shot at growing. Maybe a "Sort by Best for Beginners" or "Best for New Growers".

I know this would be useful for newbz like me ;-)
This... Fucking brilliant
As a hobbyist grower I'd love to see a choose your own pack or more variety in the multi packs. I'd love to get some super fire genetics but it seems all the really good ones mostly sell 5 or 10 minimum per pack. I don't really need 5 of the same strain. They'll have a multi pack or 2 but nothing I could customize myself. "Pick 5 seeds from any Solfire genetics seeds". I'd be all over that.
Another thing is I'd love to see more pics of what different phenotypes look like. 5-10 pics of what people who have bought them grew. I still do a lot of seed shopping visually.
Last thing is sales or deals. Even if they're not that good they get me to the site. I scan sites weekly for promos. I really only buy when one is going on. I just want to feel like I saved something and got ahead somehow.
Hope these help. I know hobbyist growers prob aren't your most profitable market, but we here, we've got a little money to spend. I'm new to this site but have seen you around a decent amount. Feels good when you know you can communicate with the company you're doing business with. I think I'm going to check you guys out soon. I've got a successful grow under my belt through mediocre seeds but feel like I'm ready to spend some money on really good seeds. Thanks for the opportunity to speak my mind and win freebies!
Good call. We do actually have a choose your own pack option. You can pick five different strains if wanted.
Each comes in it's own labelled baggie

We usually send out a weekly email but only if we have a deal or some new genetics available.