URGENT - Droopy leaves NOT from overwatering...Urgent


Well-Known Member
Okay I am using CFL's approx 1-2 inches from the plants. I scooped up a bit of the soil on the side of the one that's messed up looking and the roots were literally right underneath the soil near the top. COuld this be it? I am going to repot into a much larger pot to see if that helps.. Will it? Thanks.
This is what happens when you under water...if you don't wet the whole pot properly and keep putting small amounts of water on the top of the pot, the roots won't dog down and spread...the bottom of the pot becomes hydrophobic and dry and you end up a ball of roots at the top only..

The idea is to wet the whole pot to a small amount of runoff and then water again when the top inch or so has dried out, leaving the roots to branch down...there are two types of roots.. thicker wet roots down the bottom, and finer roots up the top that thrive in drier medium..

It's normal for roots to fill the whole pot though. If I cover the medium and keep it moist all the time, roots will grow up out the medium and air prune themselves.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you under water...if you don't wet the whole pot properly and keep putting small amounts of water on the top of the pot, the roots won't dog down and spread...the bottom of the pot becomes hydrophobic and dry and you end up a ball of roots at the top only..

The idea is to wet the whole pot to a small amount of runoff and then water again when the top inch or so has dried out, leaving the roots to branch down...there are two types of roots.. thicker wet roots down the bottom, and finer roots up the top that thrive in drier medium..

It's normal for roots to fill the whole pot though. If I cover the medium and keep it moist all the time, roots will grow up out the medium and air prune themselves.
That post is from 2008. Those pots were massively underfilled though.