Pandemic 2020

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Convince the public of that, that is the problem, public cooperation and perceived danger, at least among the vaxxed and boosted crowd. I am one of the very few in my area who wears a mask inside public spaces and we had high compliance, tomorrow the restrictions are being lifted completely in NS. We will probably get a second improved (I hope) booster this fall, when this shit starts up again with the cold weather and a new variant. Right now we are in the "acceptable losses" phase as it continues to go endemic.
Convince the public of that, that is the problem, public cooperation and perceived danger, at least among the vaxxed and boosted crowd. I am one of the very few in my area who wears a mask inside public spaces and we had high compliance, tomorrow the restrictions are being lifted completely in NS. We will probably get a second improved (I hope) booster this fall, when this shit starts up again with the cold weather and a new variant. Right now we are in the "acceptable losses" phase as it continues to go endemic.
There isn’t much the public can do if health officials and governments throw in the towel.
There isn’t much the public can do if health officials and governments throw in the towel.
It's the same all over, it has more to do with the public's tolerance and saving their bolt for if it gets really bad. A more contagious and lethal variant for instance. A lot of independent health departments all over the world are drawing the same conclusions and behaving the same way and there is no conspiracy. The combination of vaccines, previous infections and medications has blunted it and brought hospitalizations down to a manageable level. It is the number of hospitalizations that will determine local public health policy, until a new variant comes along.
I've seen scientists say that with the damage covid does to the immune system,the bodies repair system and all the other damage it does that if you're infected you may only live another 5 to 8 years after. I know that's sounds like some tin foil hat shit but I'm seeing some of these scientists theory's proven true.
I've seen scientists say that with the damage covid does to the immune system,the bodies repair system and all the other damage it does that if you're infected you may only live another 5 to 8 years after. I know that's sounds like some tin foil hat shit but I'm seeing some of these scientists theory's proven true.
I figure you will have a republican congress that sides with the anti vaxxer/ anti mask crowd and refuses to fund vaccines and will impede any attempts to control it. A new more lethal variant will strike and they will just blame Biden while getting vaxxed themselves with what is available.

These people are just looking at hospitalization rates in their states or provinces as the waves come and go. It is up to the CDC and other organizations to spot these larger trends of long covid and post infection complications, based on medical and scientific reports.
Ghana has announced the preliminary finding of two cases of Marburg virus disease and if confirmed these would the first such infections recorded in the country.
Omicron hit half of Manitobans: study
Between 50 and 60 per cent of Canadians in western and central provinces, including Manitoba, had been infected with the novel coronavirus by the end of May, and most of those infections happened after Omicron took hold across the country late last year, according to the study released Wednesday by the federally-funded COVID-19 Immunity Task Force.

The study analysed various blood samples from Canadian blood donations and blood tests to look for the presence of post-infection antibodies from December 2021 to May 2022.

More than 17 million Canadians contracted Omicron, the study estimates, showing there were 100,000 additional infections per day compared with the Delta wave.

Younger and unvaccinated Canadians were most likely to have contracted the Omicron variant, the study shows.
Looking bad in NL, more like the start of a massive rest-of-the-year wave than a lil bump during the summer. Well, it may look like that if you look at number of reported infections over all time:


A much more relliable graph paints a very different picture, waste water measurements:


It’s as high as it was when we had 70k infections instead of the now reported 7k. Hospitalizations follow a similar pattern although less fast increasing. Haven’t seen anyone wearing masks or keeping distance or doing anything to avoid infection for a long time now. It’s going to be a record beaking mess this fall, if not sooner.
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