Trump Likely To Announce 2024 Run Soon Because He's A 'Freaking Toddler,' Says Ex-GOP Official

electoral college

The US needs to get rid of the electoral college. It makes absolutely no sense. I know the historical reasons why you have it, but it really is time to get rid of it.

The way you organize elections is bizzarre to me. Here we have early voting stations everywhere (supermarkets, malls, libraries...) for a week before the actual election day. You just show up at any of those with your id and vote. If you are unable to go to a voting station you can have them come to you. And there are mobile voting stations which go to hospitals, prisons etc. On the actual day of the elections there are many voting stations (50+ in my city of 180 000), but you need to use the one specified for you. Voting should be easy. No standing in lines for hours or any other bs. Us may be the oldest democracy in the world, but maybe modernize a bit :D [/rant]
Scary part is if Trump does run against Biden he will probably win. Fuel price will get him over the line especially when inflation is not slowing down.
You don’t realize the hornets nest the Supreme Court unleashed
I expect more voters in 2024 than 2020
And the Republicans bashing moderates and ousting RINOs only reduces RepublCON numbers
The US needs to get rid of the electoral college. It makes absolutely no sense. I know the historical reasons why you have it, but it really is time to get rid of it.

The way you organize elections is bizzarre to me. Here we have early voting stations everywhere (supermarkets, malls, libraries...) for a week before the actual election day. You just show up at any of those with your id and vote. If you are unable to go to a voting station you can have them come to you. And there are mobile voting stations which go to hospitals, prisons etc. On the actual day of the elections there are many voting stations (50+ in my city of 180 000), but you need to use the one specified for you. Voting should be easy. No standing in lines for hours or any other bs. Us may be the oldest democracy in the world, but maybe modernize a bit :D [/rant]
I don't have an issue with the electoral college. What we need to fix is voter suppression, gerrymandering, and census fuckery that the Regressive Republicans need to make it as difficult as possible for huge population centers votes to be accurately weighted across every state. If that is fixed really the power of every voter is equal.

Also lol at people thinking Trump has a chance in hell at beating old ass Biden.
I don't have an issue with the electoral college. What we need to fix is voter suppression, gerrymandering, and census fuckery that the Regressive Republicans need to make it as difficult as possible for huge population centers votes to be accurately weighted across every state. If that is fixed really the power of every voter is equal.

Also lol at people thinking Trump has a chance in hell at beating old ass Biden.

None of those issues can be fixed without ditching the EC though. People don't give up power and advantages willingly. Best bet might be to get some trumplicans on board, spend a bit to run some facebook ads claiming its about freedom and opposed to big government.

Hard to say if trump would win or not, he isn't exactly known for not cheating. Trump is sort of a dream candidate to run against. Hopefully the R's stick with him, and the rest of the field keeps trying to run to his right.
Scary part is if Trump does run against Biden he will probably win. Fuel price will get him over the line especially when inflation is not slowing down.
I think trumpf is the only gop'er that Joe Rob could beat. There is going to be a steady stream of 1/6 info coming out all summer, and (hopefully) it will scare enough people not to back trumpf.
None of those issues can be fixed without ditching the EC though. People don't give up power and advantages willingly. Best bet might be to get some trumplicans on board, spend a bit to run some facebook ads claiming its about freedom and opposed to big government.
idk man, outside of POTUS the EC really doesn't much matter. And the Democrats have shown that they can win the presidency with it.

To get anything done they need to win the states anyways to win those senate seats/local level elections that are blocking everything for their citizens (e.g. Red State Governors stopping their citizens from having access to Obamacare).

Hard to say if trump would win or not, he isn't exactly known for not cheating. Trump is sort of a dream candidate to run against. Hopefully the R's stick with him, and the rest of the field keeps trying to run to his right.
I don't think it really matters which Regressive candidate that the Republicans end up run for POTUS, they are all shit at the moment, and fully tainted by Trump's cult.

We are in the midst of Tea Party 2.0, where everything that Biden does well and wins we are putting up on the board get drowned out by nonstop spam. The hate mongers pushing to get the Republicans reelected have been throwing everything that they can to push everyone into a panic, and they are barely beating the Democrats in house predictions. And between the SCOTUS and if the Republicans win the power to fully stop anything Biden tries to get done for two years, he will be in a position just like Obama was in 2012.

Shit even if he did decide not to run, he can just absorb as much incoming trolling from the right wing media circus over the next couple years and wait as long as possible and then step aside and let a great field of Democrats run on all the great platforms they have as a party and just mop the floor with DeSantis or whatever other right wing troll (Cruz/Rubio/Rand Paul/Pompeo/etc) they end up nominating.

I think trumpf is the only gop'er that Joe Rob could beat. There is going to be a steady stream of 1/6 info coming out all summer, and (hopefully) it will scare enough people not to back trumpf.
I think he ends up pulling it off against any of them. Really besides trolling, what do they have to run on in 2.5 years?

And Trump wins with what about 23% of the Republican party? Which his cult is for sure large enough to give him. And I think he will run in order to try to avoid the shit that is piling up against him.
The US needs to get rid of the electoral college. It makes absolutely no sense. I know the historical reasons why you have it, but it really is time to get rid of it.

The way you organize elections is bizzarre to me. Here we have early voting stations everywhere (supermarkets, malls, libraries...) for a week before the actual election day. You just show up at any of those with your id and vote. If you are unable to go to a voting station you can have them come to you. And there are mobile voting stations which go to hospitals, prisons etc. On the actual day of the elections there are many voting stations (50+ in my city of 180 000), but you need to use the one specified for you. Voting should be easy. No standing in lines for hours or any other bs. Us may be the oldest democracy in the world, but maybe modernize a bit :D [/rant]
It's going to really really hard to get rid of. Small states are not going to vote to have less representation. As everyone knows the EC is basically one vote for every house and senate seat. Two states (Maine and Nebraska) have a system where who ever wins a congressional district gets that vote. And who ever wins the state gets the two votes for the senate seats. If more states would make this change it would cut down greatly on the number of minority winners.

idk man, outside of POTUS the EC really doesn't much matter. . . . . .

I think he ends up pulling it off against any of them. Really besides trolling, what do they have to run on in 2.5 years? . . . . .
EC is only used in presidential elections.

So far the gop has shown it will fall for trolling.
What I really want to see is a knock down drag out fight between trumfp and little ronnie. I wonder if he will use the 1/6 hearings against trumpf.
Likely that would depend on if the micro targeting war that would be waged. Outside of zingers against one another in public and Superpac's attack ads, I doubt we would end up seeing much of them going against each other. Especially if they don't hold debates.

I think that they would spend all their time tugging those culture war/"Owning the Libs" attacks on the national level (that would be pointed at them).
You people are obsessed with an orange loser. Move on, you are just giving him publicity at this point.
he won't just lay down and die like a good corpse...he has just enough of the country fooled where it is impossible to ignore him, and dangerous too, as well...with every eye in the country on every move he made, he still managed to almost overthrow the entire government, you want someone like that running around loose, inciting the countries most ignorant, poorly educated, highly armed individuals? i personally would hang him from the same gibbet his own proud boys built to hang mike pence from, on television, during prime time...
so you're just not voting?...same fucking thing, might as well stay at home and have a beer
I don't drink anymore. Pretty sad to see that you believe that you are locked into only two choices: bad or worse. Your mental slavery has got you caught in a trap. I believe in other options and possibilities.
Just think of how many republican votes for president get cancelled out because California is a blue state, and it has the most registered republicans of any
Biden-Cheney 2024
View attachment 5158411
you want Biden and cheney to run together? do you want the republicans to win?...
the best ticket i can come up with out of the given possibilities, in the present political climate, would be Michelle Obama and either Buttigieg or Booker....
i like Biden, he's done some shit in the past and seems to be sincerely trying to make up for at least some of it, but he's already too fucking old, and Cheney is still what she is...a republican. she is a sane, fairly responsible republican, as they go, but she isn't your friend, either...
you want Biden and cheney to run together? do you want the republicans to win?...
the best ticket i can come up with out of the given possibilities, in the present political climate, would be Michelle Obama and either Buttigieg or Booker....
i like Biden, he's done some shit in the past and seems to be sincerely trying to make up for at least some of it, but he's already too fucking old, and Cheney is still what she is...a republican. she is a sane, fairly responsible republican, as they go, but she isn't your friend, either...
LMFAO, those are terrible ideas. Can't you come up with anything new? That's just rehash of old news. Buttigieg can't even do the job that Biden appointed him to, but you want him for VP? Michelle Obama won't run anyway, she's not stupid.