Why doens't everyone have an indoor raised bed?

I finally ran out of my mother earth 40 lb bag of kelp, need to grab some more. Thinking about doing a soil test after this run. You cats recommend or should I just throw the bas kitchen sink at it? Lol
My soil's almost 4 years old now. I'm gonna get it tested sometime so I'm not just guessing. I'm curious what the levels are. Guessing high Ca, but have no idea.
I almost said that. But it does have lots of Ca. I've got 25# buckets of it and kelp meal though.
I'm just fuckin around. They have a lot of really good shit. Craft blend is my favorite though, because I use ro water, so I don't get much of a calcium buildup. Not that I've noticed at least. I like the variety of ingredients it has also. .
I finally ran out of my mother earth 40 lb bag of kelp, need to grab some more. Thinking about doing a soil test after this run. You cats recommend or should I just throw the bas kitchen sink at it? Lol
I've not done one yet, getting mine ready for round 3, but I'm gonna let it sit for a while growing cover crop. I let that shit get thick last run.
