

Well-Known Member
This is my first time trying datura because of curiosity about it how many bulbs should I eat to be safe like 1 2? I m talking bulbs not seeds
You could and maybe still can buy cigarettes here (UK) made with datura or a mix of datura apparently smoking it is helpful for some chest/breathing issues?

I was advised to avoid it, the user said something to the effect of "I'd recommend it if I didn't like you" he liked his drugs like the rest of us but that didn't float his boat and listening to him was enough to put me off.

If you do try it let us know how you get on with it?
Man...why? If you eat 2 pods, you're going to the land of the dead. You don't have any business there. You'll come back, but maybe not alone. Parasitic hitchhikers.
And dots. A field of vibrating dots.
so to be more explicit i will explain the whole damn thing as much as i can.so i ate a bulb and a half the taste was of parfume and pretty bitter that it kinda made u understand it has a kind of poison in it so idk those shells with spikes are on the plant for a reason i guess. One hour after i ate them felt a little relaxed and kind of jelly felling like mushrooms but quite different...15minutes later i was really feeling i was slowly loosing control of my body functions. Another 10 minutes passed by and i was feeling kinda poisoned i was feeling an energy moving through my body it was kinda similar with that of acid but very different in a way like it stoped at my kidneys/root chackra i started to have a little regret doing this feeling poisoned i started walking in y house in a world that i ve never experienced before on any halucinogen it was like a cold/dead energy feeling lost and vurnerable in this place the colours were a little more pronounced and seem wider but the atmosphere was so weird and dark walking in a land of confusion. Some visuals were moving on the walls but my mind felt uneasy and restless.I remember i couldn t find my place walking like a ghost in a spooky confusing place.the sofa appeared wider and i saw a child corpse laying on it and it seems pretty normal to see that like day to day life but it was a delusion .No matter how hard i was trying to control my legs walking the stairs it felt i would hit my leg no matter what just like something was controlling my movements i remember sitting on the sofa talking with my mom but then it suddenly dissapeared like a delusion and then the sofa handle were two corpses with some weird ass figures wich weirdly seems very normal untill it dissapears and u realise "wtf did i actually seen that how fucked up could i be?i was recorded by my older brother and my sister and mom were trying to take care of me(this was real) i remember i took a piss in the hole believing it was bathroom i guess idk what was going throuhgh my mind in that moment rlly and i was talking nonesense/WHen i look at the recording it seems pretty funny and hilarious .I saw in the recording that i wanted to sit on a chair and put it on a table don t ask me why.My eyes were red like never seen before and pupils pretty huge.in the end an ambulance arrived and my mom said that i was pretty defensive about the doctors trying to but me a branula with a liquid sack then i wolke up stabilized and fresh happy it was kinda over. the next day some visuals ere still there and the atmosphere of spookiness lingered a little.in brief it feels u are entering in lower astrall plane then other classic psychedelics like acid shrrooms dmt ayahuasca i mean on datura u are more than most likely to have a weird ass creppy experience.I dont recomend anyone trying this if u really want do though i clearly wanna advise people to stay off those seeds, try a bulb a bulb and a half on ur own risk.pretty interesting experience but i would say acid and shrooms are far more safer than this. Datura is poisonous and can lead to coma/deathHope u enjoyed, i wish u well!!!
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What I liked in particular about magic mushrooms is it didn't matter how fkd up I was I didn't ever loose touch with reality, as in even the worst states/trips I still knew it wasn't really happening if you get what I mean.

first and foremost it's a beautiful plant, the flowers only bloom during the full moon, secondly they are highly poisonous to animals aka especially dogs

another name for them is moon flower aka wizard flower they do make great greenery for a garden...

i advise you not to eat them or even boil them (just to let u know that's how u take them) they poison to a degree
yeah u are right but i still have faith and keep walking, thank u for asking!

no problem, learned that from your prior post, i can see it in the wording...js

keep things simple....here is a secret...breathe, close your eyes and just breath...cause in the end, everything will be just fine.....yeah there is a lot of BS going on. If it's not happening to you personally, then don't worry about it......keep walking and talk...but above all breath
no problem, learned that from your prior post, i can see it in the wording...js

keep things simple....here is a secret...breathe, close your eyes and just breath...cause in the end, everything will be just fine.....yeah there is a lot of BS going on. If it's not happening to you personally, then don't worry about it......keep walking and talk...but above all breath
thank u i really apreciate ur kindness and humanity .God bless u!
so to be more explicit i will explain the whole damn thing as much as i can.so i ate a bulb and a half the taste was of parfume and pretty bitter that it kinda made u understand it has a kind of poison in it so idk those shells with spikes are on the plant for a reason i guess. One hour after i ate them felt a little relaxed and kind of jelly felling like mushrooms but quite different...15minutes later i was really feeling i was slowly loosing control of my body functions. Another 10 minutes passed by and i was feeling kinda poisoned i was feeling an energy moving through my body it was kinda similar with that of acid but very different in a way like it stoped at my kidneys/root chackra i started to have a little regret doing this feeling poisoned i started walking in y house in a world that i ve never experienced before on any halucinogen it was like a cold/dead energy feeling lost and vurnerable in this place the colours were a little more pronounced and seem wider but the atmosphere was so weird and dark walking in a land of confusion. Some visuals were moving on the walls but my mind felt uneasy and restless.I remember i couldn t find my place walking like a ghost in a spooky confusing place.the sofa appeared wider and i saw a child corpse laying on it and it seems pretty normal to see that like day to day life but it was a delusion .No matter how hard i was trying to control my legs walking the stairs it felt i would hit my leg no matter what just like something was controlling my movements i remember sitting on the sofa talking with my mom but then it suddenly dissapeared like a delusion and then the sofa handle were two corpses with some weird ass figures wich weirdly seems very normal untill it dissapears and u realise "wtf did i actually seen that how fucked up could i be?i was recorded by my older brother and my sister and mom were trying to take care of me(this was real) i remember i took a piss in the hole believing it was bathroom i guess idk what was going throuhgh my mind in that moment rlly and i was talking nonesense/WHen i look at the recording it seems pretty funny and hilarious .I saw in the recording that i wanted to sit on a chair and put it on a table don t ask me why.My eyes were red like never seen before and pupils pretty huge.in the end an ambulance arrived and my mom said that i was pretty defensive about the doctors trying to but me a branula with a liquid sack then i wolke up stabilized and fresh happy it was kinda over. the next day some visuals ere still there and the atmosphere of spookiness lingered a little.in brief it feels u are entering in lower astrall plane then other classic psychedelics like acid shrrooms dmt ayahuasca i mean on datura u are more than most likely to have a weird ass creppy experience.I dont recomend anyone trying this if u really want do though i clearly wanna advise people to stay off those seeds, try a bulb a bulb and a half on ur own risk.pretty interesting experience but i would say acid and shrooms are far more safer than this. Datura is poisonous and can lead to coma/deathHope u enjoyed, i wish u well!!!
20 years of bad experience stories on the erowid should have clued you in.