Never trust review sites about seedbanks when trying a new one. check forums. There are 4 US banks I trust. North Atlantic Seed Co, DC seed exchange, seeds here now and Neptune seedbank. If EU or Uk seedcity, the vault and weedseedsexpress are solid too.
Ain’t talking shit either, not everyone has the time, energy or patience to spend hours researching suppliers and we’ve all been conditioned to implicitly trust legitimate looking businesses
North Atlantic rocks, and I've heard good things about Purple City, but never used them. DARK Horse GENETICS was my go-to this spring
I planted for autos: Creme de la Creme, a Double Grape Stomper, and Jack Herer. The Creme and Double Grape Stomper are both flowering, week 2 maybe, but the Jack auto is still a growing small bush with no sign of flowering, whatsoever.
All plants were popped, sprouted and grown from seed the 16th of April.
Again, Jack Herer is a late bloomer? Don't know. But do know one thing. Eventually, that Fukkers either gonna throw some pistils, or end up in the graveyard.