Best way to transition from 18/6 to 12/12

Bud man 43

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone- happy summer
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience to share on what the best way to transition from 18/6 to 12/12?
Goal is -quality #1- quantity #2
Should I leave the time the lights are currently coming on and shut off 6 hours earlier?
Have the lights come on 6 hr later?
Go midway and subtract 3 hours of light early and 3 hours later?
Completely switch the dark and light times and subtract 6?- I imagine this would cause the most shock to the plant.
Thanks for your help.
Hi everyone- happy summer
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience to share on what the best way to transition from 18/6 to 12/12?
Goal is -quality #1- quantity #2
Should I leave the time the lights are currently coming on and shut off 6 hours earlier?
Have the lights come on 6 hr later?
Go midway and subtract 3 hours of light early and 3 hours later?
Completely switch the dark and light times and subtract 6?- I imagine this would cause the most shock to the plant.
Thanks for your help.
Unplug timer from outlet.

Change timer from 18/6 to 12/12.

Plug timer back into outlet.
Unplug timer from outlet.

Change timer from 18/6 to 12/12.

Plug timer back into outlet.
Well this is great advice however i was asking if there are any nuances to the switch.
If you are saying it doesn’t matter- ok
please just say so- obviously I know how to physically change the timer.
Why is everyone so mean?
Kindness goes a long way-
Never mind
Well this is great advice however i was asking if there are any nuances to the switch.
If you are saying it doesn’t matter- ok
please just say so- obviously I know how to physically change the timer.
Why is everyone so mean?
Kindness goes a long way-
Never mind
You asked the best way to transition from 18/6 to 12/12 and I gave you step by step instructions and you're calling me mean?
You must be a millenial.
Well this is great advice however i was asking if there are any nuances to the switch.
If you are saying it doesn’t matter- ok
please just say so- obviously I know how to physically change the timer.
Why is everyone so mean?
Kindness goes a long way-
Never mind
The answer to your question is no the timer change doesn't matter just alter the timer to suit your convenience.
By the way- I choose kindness because I survived a widowmaker heart attack-
Not because i am a pussy millennial
When you stare death in the eye someday- you will see what i mean.
Read the post asshole-
Not a sensitive millennial- i was hoping for some real advice
Uhhhhh turn the lighs on uhhhhh

Your literal question was...
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience to share on what the best way to transition from 18/6 to 12/12?

I read it.

I gave you the best answer. Then you proceed to call me names. You are a millenial.