Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

i believe the correct course of action would be to remove all three trump appointees for perjuring themselves in order to gain their seats.
that's a fucking no brainer...they lied, openly, brazenly, clearly...they cannot be allowed to retain those seats gained by lying to the American people under oath
Think though that would take 67 senators to vote to give them the boot. I don't see this batch of insurrectionist Republicans giving Biden the ability to nominate at least 2 justices when they have been working for decades to get this outcome.

There is a reason all these people who have been testifying about how Trump was trying to break our laws and started the riot with his bullshit claims about election fraud, have said that they would vote for him if he was the Republican nominee.

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i believe the correct course of action would be to remove all three trump appointees for perjuring themselves in order to gain their seats.
that's a fucking no brainer...they lied, openly, brazenly, clearly...they cannot be allowed to retain those seats gained by lying to the American people under oath
Alito and Thomas lied, also.
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Cause voting harders somehow a solution to a decision made by a council of unelected lifetime appointees :dunce: this country is fucked and neither party is on the side of the people.
It does when the people who nominate them are elected into office.

Also I disagree strongly about your views of our political parties today. I would not even say that about all the Republicans in office, but there is no question that the Democrats have been trying like hell to get legislation passed to help the entirety of America.
Trying, they have a majority now, and had a super majority under Obama they still capitulate to the republicans. You’ve been duped my guy.
It takes time to clean up the major economic collapses that the Republicans dump onto the incoming Democratic administrations. There usually is time for a couple major bills before the upcoming elections. Obama got through major banking reform, a rescue package to stabalize us after the Great Recession, and passed Obamacare which got us to almost universal health care coverage, unfortunately for the people living in red states, their governors stopped them from having access and we are hovered around 92%.

Biden has gotten through his major rescue package to deal with the issues that were hammering us due to Covid and the Republicans using their repossess as a giant grift, passed with bi-partisan support the largest investment into our infrastructure in our history, and now even though it is not everything we would have wanted, decent gun reform (convicted abusive boyfriends not being able to get a gun is really a good thing as are other parts to the bill).

Pretending like somehow having 50 Democratic senators is going to allow Biden to get everything he wants passed with Republican obstruction makes me gullible, is naive on your part.

We don't live in a dictatorship like Putin's Russia. Our elections are not jokes of ones like Putin's has been, even though his puppets are trying like hell to try to trick people into thinking that they are. Nor do we toss political rivals in prison because Dear Leader is afraid of them like Putin did to Navalny.

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For two years and all his efforts gave us healthcare
Seems like a big thing

Literally a republican(Mitt Romney’s) “healthcare” plan. They didn’t give away shit forcing you to buy insurance is not the same as providing healthcare. Fascism with a friendlier face is still fascism.(“fascism is more appropriately called corporatism, it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Those are Mussolini’s words too not mine and he fucking invented it)
Literally a republican(Mitt Romney’s) “healthcare” plan. They didn’t give away shit forcing you to buy insurance is not the same as providing healthcare. Fascism with a friendlier face is still fascism.(“fascism is more appropriately called corporatism, it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Those are Mussolini’s words too not mine and he fucking invented it)
No one forced it
My wife was able to afford blue cross blue shield for the first time in her life