Is Biden really that bad?

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. . . . . . . . . . . the west and the EU are prolonging the death and destruction over there by sending weapons and money. If everyone stepped back from the beginning it woulda been over in a month or less. . . . . . .
So right. If they kill all your family and you are getting raped, just lay back and enjoy it. Maybe your abuser will see someone else he would rather rape. But if not, just take it anyway. It's for a bigger thing than the Ukrainians. It's so we can drive our F150's without remorse. I don't see why the Libs don't understand.
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So right. If they kill all your family and you are getting raped, just lay back and enjoy it. Maybe your abuser will see someone else he would rather rape. But if not, just take it anyway. It's for a bigger thing than the Ukrainians. It's so we can drive our F150's without remorse. I don't see why the Libs don't understand.
If bob and shielas (?) house was getting shelled by the russian army, then they shot bob in the head and gang raped shielas (?), maybe the black mold could wait a few days.
Some fucking dumb analogy for what is happening in Ukraine, isn't it?
(not you @injinji , that other one)
Sorry I got side tracked with the trolls. But I came here to give President Joe Rob mad props for busting his ass on the bike. And just in case any of us were wondering, trumpf promised to never ride a bike. lol that was funny. So here is a song for 45.

This one is for me

I'm getting divorced

here's a cool 1 hit wonder that made in huge in germany with this song. the video is really cool but sad at the same time ...

'74 was the year I graduated HS.
You know what I remember?
Being # 1 in the draft that year in January
Could legally drink
Being in love for the 1st time & the fantastic drugs readily available
All and all, it was pretty good
I smile thinking of it
Oh, and I discovered this person

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'74 was the year I graduated HS.
You know what I remember?
Being # 1 in the draft that year in January
Could legally drink
Being in love for the 1st time & the fantastic drugs readily available
All and all, it was pretty good
I smile thinking of it
Oh, and I discovered this person

i really get emotional with that song for some reason. and i graduated in 87. but something about looking back and then seeing the future gets it for me. some did nothing, some did everything, some didn't live that long.
As an outsider to all this, who had only seen mainstream media accounts (before travelling).
I got back from the US recently (after shooting across it, is that a 'good' term to use at the moment), mostly the southern states.

My god, there wasn't one Biden supporter to be found anywhere (or Vice President supporter etc),
Not one democratic party sign or supporter could I find. And, lots and LOTS of Brandon stuff.

This 'political issue' the US is having, is it a divide between the southern states and the northern?
In the North, are there lots of Biden/Democratic Party signs ..everywhere?
I'm just wondering this, now I'm home.
If this is not the case, I know where my gambling money is being put in the next US election!

I was surprised, having only seen mainstream media, at the lack of support for the current president and his party.
And zero interest in the Jan 6th hearings!
I did hear lots about no-one watching/interested in the Jan 6th hearings (except smaller, focused, groups of people).
I understand, most on this forum, are very opinionated at the moment.
And (vocally) seem to speak more for the Democratic Party.
Plus, strongly aggressive towards what they 'perceive' as the other side.

Speaking directly to those more opinionated, Democratic party people.

If the Jan6th hearing (against Trump) collapses. What will you do?
If a red wave occurs, at the next election, what would you do? In your opinion, how will you react?

Will you sit down and accept it (if it occurs).
Or, will you react like you currently perceive the other side?

If all my post does is make you angry/crazy. Don't bother replying, please.
I already understand those emotions from previous experience (by bumping into these radicalised sides n the 'real world').
As an outsider to all this, who had only seen mainstream media accounts (before travelling).
I got back from the US recently (after shooting across it, is that a 'good' term to use at the moment), mostly the southern states.

My god, there wasn't one Biden supporter to be found anywhere (or Vice President supporter etc),
Not one democratic party sign or supporter could I find. And, lots and LOTS of Brandon stuff.

This 'political issue' the US is having, is it a divide between the southern states and the northern?
In the North, are there lots of Biden/Democratic Party signs ..everywhere?
I'm just wondering this, now I'm home.
If this is not the case, I know where my gambling money is being put in the next US election!

I was surprised, having only seen mainstream media, at the lack of support for the current president and his party.
And zero interest in the Jan 6th hearings!
I did hear lots about no-one watching/interested in the Jan 6th hearings (except smaller, focused, groups of people).
I understand, most on this forum, are very opinionated at the moment.
And (vocally) seem to speak more for the Democratic Party.
Plus, strongly aggressive towards what they 'perceive' as the other side.

Speaking directly to those more opinionated, Democratic party people.

If the Jan6th hearing (against Trump) collapses. What will you do?
If a red wave occurs, at the next election, what would you do? In your opinion, how will you react?

Will you sit down and accept it (if it occurs).
Or, will you react like you currently perceive the other side?

If all my post does is make you angry/crazy. Don't bother replying, please.
I already understand those emotions from previous experience (by bumping into these radicalised sides n the 'real world').

As an outsider to all this, who had only seen mainstream media accounts (before travelling).
I got back from the US recently (after shooting across it, is that a 'good' term to use at the moment), mostly the southern states.

My god, there wasn't one Biden supporter to be found anywhere (or Vice President supporter etc),
Not one democratic party sign or supporter could I find. And, lots and LOTS of Brandon stuff.

This 'political issue' the US is having, is it a divide between the southern states and the northern?
In the North, are there lots of Biden/Democratic Party signs ..everywhere?
I'm just wondering this, now I'm home.
If this is not the case, I know where my gambling money is being put in the next US election!

I was surprised, having only seen mainstream media, at the lack of support for the current president and his party.
And zero interest in the Jan 6th hearings!
I did hear lots about no-one watching/interested in the Jan 6th hearings (except smaller, focused, groups of people).
I understand, most on this forum, are very opinionated at the moment.
And (vocally) seem to speak more for the Democratic Party.
Plus, strongly aggressive towards what they 'perceive' as the other side.

Speaking directly to those more opinionated, Democratic party people.

If the Jan6th hearing (against Trump) collapses. What will you do?
If a red wave occurs, at the next election, what would you do? In your opinion, how will you react?

Will you sit down and accept it (if it occurs).
Or, will you react like you currently perceive the other side?

If all my post does is make you angry/crazy. Don't bother replying, please.
I already understand those emotions from previous experience (by bumping into these radicalised sides n the 'real world').
When dealing with radicalized potential domestic terrorists, painting a target on your back is not the best idea. There were not many Biden signs leading up to the 2020 elections either.

The Democratic party is not a cult, so many people don't feel the need to wear their brand like some kind of team colors. A lot of us would rather go about daily life and just show up to vote when the time comes to keep these hate mongering Republicans away from power as much as possible.
As an outsider to all this, who had only seen mainstream media accounts (before travelling).
I got back from the US recently (after shooting across it, is that a 'good' term to use at the moment), mostly the southern states.

My god, there wasn't one Biden supporter to be found anywhere (or Vice President supporter etc),
Not one democratic party sign or supporter could I find. And, lots and LOTS of Brandon stuff.

This 'political issue' the US is having, is it a divide between the southern states and the northern?
In the North, are there lots of Biden/Democratic Party signs ..everywhere?
I'm just wondering this, now I'm home.
If this is not the case, I know where my gambling money is being put in the next US election!
yes and no...the north industrialized before the south, which was relying on slave labor. the richer north beat the south in the civil war, and didn't enact many while they "abolished" slavery, they didn't really, for years and the intervening years, kids have gone to the city for an education, to get off of the farm...for whatever reasons...the cities have become more progressive, people aren't insulated from each other, they get used to new faces and new ideas, and progressively become less resistant to either, while the more insular south has stayed much closer to what they always have been. large cities in the south are still a lot more progressive than the areas surrounding them, though, and rural areas in the north are just as regressive, inbred, and archaic as the deepest southern enclaves.
I was surprised, having only seen mainstream media, at the lack of support for the current president and his party.
And zero interest in the Jan 6th hearings!
I did hear lots about no-one watching/interested in the Jan 6th hearings (except smaller, focused, groups of people).
I understand, most on this forum, are very opinionated at the moment.
And (vocally) seem to speak more for the Democratic Party.
Plus, strongly aggressive towards what they 'perceive' as the other side.
it not just a perception, there is a huge divide in our society, and we glare at each other over it...
the "mainstream media" are one of the primary reasons there is not more widespread support for Biden. they simply cannot publish a positive story without some kind of caveat, but they have absolutely no problem publishing the most inane, retarded idiotic bullshit that the republicans can vomit up...add in russian bot farms and white hate groups radicalizing idiots, and blaming him directly for inflation and gas prices, and you may start to realize why Biden's ratings are low... like a few people are watching to me.

Speaking directly to those more opinionated, Democratic party people.

If the Jan6th hearing (against Trump) collapses. What will you do?
If a red wave occurs, at the next election, what would you do? In your opinion, how will you react?

Will you sit down and accept it (if it occurs).
Or, will you react like you currently perceive the other side?
while it would make me fear for the future of freedom and democracy in my country, the only way i would ever take up arms is if someone like trump stole an election and tried to install themselves as a dictator.
it should make you fear for freedom and democracy in your country if it falls in America, fascism is on the rise worldwide...
just how long do you think it will take to spread globally if we fall?

If all my post does is make you angry/crazy. Don't bother replying, please. get what you get when you post in a public forum, don't even attempt to insulate yourself from the consequences of your own statements, stand up and defend them.
I already understand those emotions from previous experience (by bumping into these radicalised sides n the 'real world').
do you really understand them? it doesn't seem like it, or you wouldn't be asking half the questions you're asking...
do you know WHY some people get angry and crazy? until you know why someone does a thing, you do not understand it, or them.
Them damn dixiecrats. Most of the pigmentation based laws of the jim crow era were passed by the Dems. From the 1840's until 1964 they were the racists party. Some minor changes have happened in the US since then.
I have mixed race Step Kids and was beaten by Skin Heads for having anything to do with them.

Same ones almost killed me trying to save a Black Man. My Black Girlfriend told me to not worry about that guy.

My Father in Law didn't want me having anything to do with his Daughter because of me being Cajun.

I might add my Ancestors owned Slaves and fought for the Confederacy. Thing is when they freed the Slaves they didn't know any other way of life so just stayed and took our Family Name.
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