Is this auto ok? 5 days looking like this since germinating.


Well-Known Member
Since I've grown autos for over 2 decades, I want to be kind but your results were caused by yourself. Appears overwatered or in a hot medium.
When I started, I threw some auto seed in a friends winter flower room where they got virtually nothing but 12/12 light, in cheap ass soil and a spray of water now and then...that shit showed me it'll grow with the smallest amount of care. Gotta remember, ya can't push a rope.


Well-Known Member
I had just watered it. Was dry never had run off but next time I'll water less. But this auto is in straight FF ocean. My photos are in BaS
Whatever excuse you want to use but it’s soaked. You posted two photos within 2 days and it was soaked both times. It’s not watering less that matters it’s LESS OFTEN.