Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

There's no visual sign of them failing yet, although at least they are looking into it further with a CT scan. I asked them to asperate my hips for a sample, but he said they will get a good idea from a CT scan. Xrays don't show squat, as everyone knows...unless it's something drastic.

They actually both hurt, and have for years, but now they is some kind of weird impingement only in one direction in the right hip, and I can only lift my right leg about 6" when laying down....That is the older of the 2 also.

Really need to upgrade my insurance from an HMO to a PPO....They are too conservative with the HMO and I am too limited.
^^^ that
Ugh, child is at her grandmother's place until tomorrow. So this morning at 7:30am she sent me this...

So my phone starts going off, and I pull myself out of an RSO coma to try, drop my glasses under the bed, and then blindly try and figure out what the hell that rat is doing and why it's so important at 7:30 am.

Kid knows her old man is nocturnal and has two modes before 9am, burp and growl, she hates me.
Yes, but are you Covid free?? Good time to go visit anyone you don't really like. :p I tested positive for 3 weeks.....But I was out and about too, so I don't blame you!! Enjoy your freedom!!

Pain management for me this a.m. I have McDonalds on my mind on the way there....2 for $5 Egg McMuffins :clap:

Lets find out together. I cancelled my mom coming down this weekend

How's everyone feeling?
I'm fine. The other half is soldiering on through covid gearing up for a zoom meeting. She seems a little better today. I hope I'm ornery enough to not get it. I should get my second booster now lol.

My roofing contractor instructed me to mow the lawn tight today so his magnet sweepers can get all the nails tomorrow. Gotta disconnect and move all my blumat plants off the deck and seal up my grow room. No lights or fans tomorrow lol

Time to squish!
Morning....enough of dismantling cars for the time being....it's freaking hot...sheesh

woke up this morning to a decent one low humidity and a 78F....now the humidity is coming back up and it will be 100F again, with the dew point 103F

already had breakfast, been dismantling cars all morning, got a 68 done...started on a 72SB, but i'm stopping..... :finger:that heat