Should I have weed sent to me in the mail?

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any knowledge about how risky this is (from experience). I would like to know what sort of chance I'm taking.

My connect quit smoking b/c he burned out. He wasn't a dealer... just a friend who had a friend. Anyway, he gave me his friend's address, this lady from who he used to get his weed. She is willing to send me an oz. in the mail. I'm bone dry, have no connects, plus at $250/oz. for high grade its a really good deal.

I just don't know if I should take the risk. My former connect did it for years with no problems. But an oz. across state lines... I don't even want to know what kind of sentence that shit can bring down on you. Probably could ruin my fucking career (I'm currently in law school).

What do you think... should I go for it or not?


Well-Known Member
you might get away you might not some kids locally were getting like 40lbs of purp from cali m,ailed here at a time for about 2 years but they did finally get busted good thing all his cars, house, skidoos ect were in his parents name so when he gets oiut of prison he still has it all they didnt get to take his shit another friend used to get dmt and shrooms in mail all the time and he finally got caught but he blamed it on his girlfriend and she did 2 years and he broke up with her when she got out hes kind of a douche


Well-Known Member
If you get caught, then you are fucked, make sure she seals it up reallllllly good, and you should be good to go. If it gets founf out, and they send it along to you, you'll get in trouble with the state she's in, the state you're in, and the feds will get involved. However, it's only illegal if you get caught


Well-Known Member
you might get away you might not some kids locally were getting like 40lbs of purp from cali m,ailed here at a time for about 2 years but they did finally get busted good thing all his cars, house, skidoos ect were in his parents name so when he gets oiut of prison he still has it all they didnt get to take his shit another friend used to get dmt and shrooms in mail all the time and he finally got caught but he blamed it on his girlfriend and she did 2 years and he broke up with her when she got out hes kind of a douche

He was getting DMT in the mail? But..... Why? It's so much easier to get it at walmart,....

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you can mail an oz no problem and if u get caught its not a big deal as long as its not state to state. Don't quote me tho.


Well-Known Member
Simple and safe~ Just bag it up then put it in a canning jar then wrap it in a cloth so jar is safe, box it and send away. No worries.


Well-Known Member
I would never take that kind of risk. Just order some seeds, buy some lights, and grow it yourself. In a few months you'll have all the high quality weed you can smoke, all for yourself.

Committing ANY crime through the mail automatically makes it a felony and a federal offense - as a law student, you should know how incredibly stupid this is. I'm not saying it's not doable...I'm sure if she packaged it up properly you could get away with least for awhile. I'm just saying, for me, the paranoia I would be having would more than offset whatever enjoyment I got out of the weed. You sound like you actually have a decent life ahead of you - don't take a chance of fucking it up over weed. Just grow it.


New Member
you might get away you might not some kids locally were getting like 40lbs of purp from cali m,ailed here at a time for about 2 years but they did finally get busted good thing all his cars, house, skidoos ect were in his parents name so when he gets oiut of prison he still has it all they didnt get to take his shit another friend used to get dmt and shrooms in mail all the time and he finally got caught but he blamed it on his girlfriend and she did 2 years and he broke up with her when she got out hes kind of a douche

oh my god, run on sentence!:dunce:



Active Member
Does anyone have any knowledge about how risky this is (from experience). I would like to know what sort of chance I'm taking.

My connect quit smoking b/c he burned out. He wasn't a dealer... just a friend who had a friend. Anyway, he gave me his friend's address, this lady from who he used to get his weed. She is willing to send me an oz. in the mail. I'm bone dry, have no connects, plus at $250/oz. for high grade its a really good deal.

I just don't know if I should take the risk. My former connect did it for years with no problems. But an oz. across state lines... I don't even want to know what kind of sentence that shit can bring down on you. Probably could ruin my fucking career (I'm currently in law school).

What do you think... should I go for it or not?
No bro, Really think about it. Is it worth risking federal charges over sent :leaf: in the mail? It sounds to me you have a great career path, and I'd suggest doing nothing to fuck that up. Weed will always be there for you, charges like that never go away. Be smart!




Well-Known Member
Ehhhhh... Ive done alot of stupid shit in my day...but mailing pot, cmon now. There is no need too have a out of state dealer, even if you can get dank shit at 250/0z. FIND SOMEONE LOCAL IN STATE!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any knowledge about how risky this is (from experience). I would like to know what sort of chance I'm taking.

My connect quit smoking b/c he burned out. He wasn't a dealer... just a friend who had a friend. Anyway, he gave me his friend's address, this lady from who he used to get his weed. She is willing to send me an oz. in the mail. I'm bone dry, have no connects, plus at $250/oz. for high grade its a really good deal.

I just don't know if I should take the risk. My former connect did it for years with no problems. But an oz. across state lines... I don't even want to know what kind of sentence that shit can bring down on you. Probably could ruin my fucking career (I'm currently in law school).

What do you think... should I go for it or not?

24 years ago I had three ounces of weed sent to my home address. At the time I was recuperating from a very serious motor accident. I was 19 and living with my parents in a small country farming/mining town.
It was packed in socks in a plastic bags in a brown paper package. The package had split by the time the guy delivered it. Luckily I answered the door when the Postman rang, but it stunk! I mean, if he didn't know what was in there, he had no sense of smell.
Later that day we were heading off for Easter I think to visit relatives in the capital city. On the journey we stopped for fuel. My old man called me aside and quietly said that if I ever had 'dope' sent to his house again, he'd personally beat shit out of me, then call the police. He had a thing about weed being illegal, nothing else.

That was 20 years ago. Nowadays at almost every major mail sorting junction, there are random inspections by sniffer dogs etc. It is just not worth the risk. At least not in Australia in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I've got no one local. I don't know where else to look. I've tried talking to random people in bars. I've tried craigslist. Nothing. I had one dude hook me up with a light eighth of mids (more like two grams) for $60, and then he asked if he could give me a blowjob. Needless to say, I wasn't comfortable going back to him after that. Nothing against gay people... I'm just not down with that. Hell though... I even e-mailed *him* again when I was dry for a month, and and he said he can't get any more.

Ehhhhh... Ive done alot of stupid shit in my day...but mailing pot, cmon now. There is no need too have a out of state dealer, even if you can get dank shit at 250/0z. FIND SOMEONE LOCAL IN STATE!


Well-Known Member
I've used different means with 0 hassles..except some beans went back and forth 5 times..opps.. stupid wrong address.. crossing borders can get you screwed..If,and I stress if you try..send 4 x 7..not an what if you spend $10.00 shipping.. Hell I asked a guy once for a taste of edibles...I went to get package... a fucking pizza box... Damn near threw a stroke right there.. Just waiting to get tackled by LEO........ :p
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