Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I hope it rains tonight. Been out in the garden planting a couple shrubs and spreading dirt on the lawn and overseeding all the winter dog pee spots. Meanwhile there's a Pride festival a block away and the corner nearest us is occupied by gloomy hellfire evangelicals telling everyone going into the park they're going to hell and God hates pride. They have a depressed looking fat cop looking after them. Some neighbors are running loud power tools continuously to disrupt, well, everybody I guess.
I hope it rains tonight. Been out in the garden planting a couple shrubs and spreading dirt on the lawn and overseeding all the winter dog pee spots. Meanwhile there's a Pride festival a block away and the corner nearest us is occupied by gloomy hellfire evangelicals telling everyone going into the park they're going to hell and God hates pride. They have a depressed looking fat cop looking after them. Some neighbors are running loud power tools continuously to disrupt, well, everybody I guess.
Chill, morning. Forum dad suggested I say hi... good morning.
Where are you?
Sorry to worry you. Legal hell, medical troubles, and general malaise hath stricken. I am as well as can be, and thinking of you folks. Just dealing with a lot, and realizing I had become pretty angry and unpleasant. I am working on it.

You better have gotten your new chair, you got a snack path yet?