Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

The 2nd explained by an adult.

Former Marksmanship Instructor EXPOSES 2nd Amendment LIES
53,213 views Jun 1, 2022 Former Marine Marksmanship instructor and Arizona Democratic candidate for Secretary of State Adrian Fontes exposes the truth behind the Second Amendment, the real meaning of a militia, and the training that a U.S. Marine must go through before they are allowed to handle a weapon.
I was an NRA lifer. It is astoundingly difficult to terminate it, but last year I succeeded. I chose American Shooter as my free periodical. It was wall-to-wall MAGA. That is when I knew they are not about Joe Six-gun.

It made me realize that despite their propaganda, the NRA is purely a lobby for gun and ammo manufacturers. Knowing this makes much clear to me.

I wish more people got that. I know a bunch of hunters and hobbiests, they don't have a political agenda. It's hard to get them to divorce this group.
you have to specify a fast powder designed for light trap/skeet loads. The magnum shotgun powders work well on heavy loads. Bit of a range.
I'm no expert on small arms, was in the reserves as a young man, combat arms and was C2 man in my squad FNC2 a light machinegun, trained on Browning 9mm pistol and Sterling SMG. Fired other pistols as a kid and we had hunting guns, .22 and a 12 gauge.
does she actually have a poster of her own face in her office?..... :roll:
i like what she says...and fucking hate how she says it...she should hire a spokesperson who doesn't come across as a pseudo intellectual who is bitchsplaining down to those not smart enough to keep up with her....totally lost track of her point as she continually annoyed me
and her point seemed to be reiterations of points that have already been made numerous times, by more pleasant to listen to pundits
She is a Republican. Maybe that has something to do with it.
She is a Republican. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Even many of them are now making the right kind of noises. Some small change might happen, Mitch is worried about the gun and abortion issues stacking up, along with the Trump troubles and the J6 hearings, report and indictments. Most morons will vote based on gas prices, those with shit for brains and there are a lot. Of course it was Biden's fault, but it would never be Trump's.
That was a big thing to come out of the trump years. He killed truth and it's importance. "My stupid ass opinion is as good as your educated view" applied to everything. Truth and facts don't matter anymore to a large chunk of the population.
The right wing media is a peach tree dish full of slime. Under these circumstances, a Republican President will immediately set up a gazpacho and declare Marshall law.
The right wing media is a peach tree dish full of slime. Under these circumstances, a Republican President will immediately set up a gazpacho and declare Marshall law.

The right wing media is a peach tree dish full of slime. Under these circumstances, a Republican President will immediately set up a gazpacho and declare Marshall law.
She won her Georgia district primary nomination by 50 points, will she win the general? Speaking of Generals, did Sherman camp out in her district for an extended stay or something? What else explains the localized mixture of stupidity and insanity.
A bad back, he could have bought the gun on a credit card, since he wasn't gonna pay the bills. What's the next one, someone's dog shit's on their lawn?

Thoughts and Prayers, but you see there is nothing that can be done, except to arm yourself and fortify the schools, require kids to have transparent back packs and government grants to help students buy child sized body armor and helmets. Guns in America cannot be restricted in any way, the 2nd amendment was written by God himself ya see and it's completely under the control of the states... Guns don't kill people, republicans who allow lunatics to buy guns, kill people.
