Using ethylene to accelerate ripening

If your trying to shorten the flower time your going to lose a lot. Your gonna have less, and worse. Just wait it out. Like the other guy said why introduce the potential for mold? Fungus gnats... and did I mention less yield?

This just sounds like all downside to me.. during the last 2 weeks is when all the real weight gets put on, it may look like they swelled up, but they are still airy.

good advice, don't rush to the finish line, enjoy the plant's finale~

(plus if you google horticulture work--peer reviewed studies-- on actual ethylene application, its a waste of effort used on cannabis unless your doing it in a"lab" like setting)

good advice, don't rush to the finish line, enjoy the plant's finale~

(plus if you google horticulture work--peer reviewed studies-- on actual ethylene application, its a waste of effort used on cannabis unless your doing it in a"lab" like setting)

Why? Bypass the development of sugars and flavors. And Tric's. Should taste green. Like those beautiful gassed oranges and tomatoes. Wait it out. Too much effort to half ass it at the end.
All that being said... plastic bags are polyethylene and putting fruits in polyethylene bags is also known for causing certain fruits to ripen faster. By that reasoning, you'd expect putting weed in plastic bags to cure to improve ripening (starch to sugar).

Blasphemy, you need glass jars and brovida to cure weed. Curing weed without brovida is a myth! Terp shield = curing! Sugars cause cancer, smoke brovida instead!
"Or is my logic completely flawed"?
Your logic is fine. It is the idea you started with is giving you problems. The idea that "fruit and cannabis have similar chemistry in regards to ripening".
I have read that pears/apples can be put into sealed storage in trains. They remove the air and replace it with nitrogen. The fruit can be stored for two years this way. When it is needed they pump out nitrogen and replace with ethylene gas. A week later the train arrives at market full of ripe fruit. Dont try this with a trainload of cannabis because it is not fruit.
That's pretty cool. Kinda like those vacuum sealers that backfill with nitrogen. Henkelman brand I believe makes the one I used, those things are bad ass. I didn't get to use it for weed though, wonder how long it would extend the shelf life?
*sorry to resurrect a dead thread*
Ethephon is the main ingredient in AN Bud Ignitor besides p & k. It has many uses. It would be wise to research how it could help or hinder bud ripening. Most use it at the flip to promote females instead of males, to help bud set & to hinder stretch. But many are also wondering if in low doses, it would have any positive effects in late flowering to help ripening? I've always pondered over this as well.
*sorry to resurrect a dead thread*
Ethephon is the main ingredient in AN Bud Ignitor besides p & k. It has many uses. It would be wise to research how it could help or hinder bud ripening. Most use it at the flip to promote females instead of males, to help bud set & to hinder stretch. But many are also wondering if in low doses, it would have any positive effects in late flowering to help ripening? I've always pondered over this as well.
Never found anything A&N exceptional to warrant added cost or all the additives
Plenty of cheaper brands that produce dank
I only mentioned it because it's not listed on the bottle. Yes there are many ethephon products. That wasn't my question or point of the post though. But thank you for your opinion. Personally I don't concern myself over cost , it's merely a hobby for me. One could simply just use free water and grow dank bud. I've seen many use miracle grow or Peter's, Jack's etc. even just Epsom salts and get good product. I try not to concern myself with names, brands, costs.. more interested in the science aspect. Cause & Effect.
Ethephon being a synthetic pgr that has many uses & usually is used at the flip. My question would be since it promotes increased ethylene productivity.. would that be beneficial in the late ripening phase?