Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Do you really need to meet Putin to know what he is like?
Of cause not. That was my point.

As a Liberal democrat then you are conservative to a Social Democrat like myself. Your confusing Free Press and Government accountability with propaganda and fake news and lies. You do like to post a fair bit of propaganda.
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Of cause not. That was my point.

As a Liberal democrat then you are conservative to a Social Democrat like myself. Your confusing Free Press and Government accountability with propaganda. You do like to post a fair bit of propaganda.
I usually post from sources that use standard journalistic standards and practices, except about the war in Ukraine and I've joined the tribe of liberal democracy there.

I believe in what works for the times we are in economically, right now it's a mix of socialism and capitalism that is steadily favoring socialism, as technology advances and we can afford it. When work becomes a privilege instead of a burden, there will be something like socialism. If we keep our liberal democracies, we will live lives of luxury and recreation, if we don't, we will become useless mouths to feed, by a small number of elites. Being a liberal democracy means you can grow, change and adapt as a society and country, bigotry and corruption slow things down, are friction in the machinery and generally fuck things up.
Of cause not. That was my point.

As a Liberal democrat then you are conservative to a Social Democrat like myself. Your confusing Free Press and Government accountability with propaganda and fake news and lies. You do like to post a fair bit of propaganda.
Don't get too tied to economic ideology, be adaptable the times are changing rapidly and the rate of technological change is constantly accelerating. Over the past few decades billions have been lifted out of abject poverty and the global standard of living continues to rise. Population will steadily decline with female emancipation and we are steadily becoming more environmentally friendly on a global level. More and more things are being done by machines and less by humans, we just need to project ahead 20 years and employment will become an issue. It will be an issue for not just traditional factory and office workers, but artists too, they will be able to create music and art as well as humans. Why pay an actor when you can have a synthetic God who is scientifically designed to be appealing to a certain target segment of the public. Or even a super salesman who could sell an Eskimo a freezer. Engineers will become like draftsmen were years ago, when CAD programs arrived.

So economics is gonna be a tough call in the future and it will be a rough ride getting from here to there. It is not utopia, it is an inevitable result of technological progress and human development, if we don't fuck up and destroy ourselves. The planet will do just fine, in a few million years new animal species will arise. We are on a technological ride into the future and an experiment on ourselves, there is no getting off the ride and no knowing where it will end up. Hey, maybe in 20 years some kid will create a virus in the high school lab that will wipe us all out, because technology empowers the individual and some individuals are assholes, or idiots, or both.