Feeding: Maxibloom -or- Sensi Bloom A&B?

This is one of the reasons I don't do organic.
Scared of a little work that it takes to premix soil? Organic is by far the easiest way to grow.. Ive grown dwc, hydro tables, soilless mixes with liquid nutrients and organic premixing with water only schedules is by far the best way to go.. Each to their own tho.
Scared of a little work that it takes to premix soil? Organic is by far the easiest way to grow.. Ive grown dwc, hydro tables, soilless mixes with liquid nutrients and organic premixing with water only schedules is by far the best way to go.. Each to their own tho.

I'm certainly not scared of work. But sure, pitch something that is supposed to take the work out of things as more work.

Around here, most organics growers are like vegans...they'll take every chance to tell you that they're vegan and why you need to do it too.

Less that it's work and more that it's a time-sink pain it the ass for net benefit for growing. I don't want to shop for a laundry list of 13 things including rando handfuls of things like 'bunny poop' to make 200 gallons of soil. I don't want to spend my time tracking down the local bunny poop vendor or the sheep shit monger, nor do I want to make or store vast quantities of soil at my house. Given a plant can't tell if it's a 'synthetic ion' or an 'organic ion' (LOL), I'll keep using Maxibloom and Promix.
It's funny how the guys who claim organics is the easiest never mention all the top dressing, tea brewing, etc that goes along with that water only grow.

Tea drinkers and hell raisers...or something something.

People can grow however they want, but suggesting to someone they make 200 gallons of shit-dirt at home when they're just comparing two different synthetic fertilizer options is about right for how this all works. ;)

I'm personally currently feeling that using a watering system instead of hand watering is cheating by comparison.
Top dressing takes literally less them 3 minutes lol, I do not even factor that in because it takes no time nor effort, it took way more effort trying to mix liquid nutrients then it does to topdress, by far.. As far as compost teas well thats just a matter of filling up a bucket lol.. You can choose to grow whatever way you like, myself I have grown several ways, from dwc, to hydro, to liquid nutrients and I can say first hand that full organic soil is the easiest to make and manage.
I've grown dwc, hydro tables, soilless mixes with liquid nutrients and organic premixing with water only. Coco, blumats, and synthetic nutrients was by far the easiest and most trouble free method of growing followed by flood and drain with synthetic nutrients. I still do organic soil grows but those are my outdoor plants I grow over the summer. Those grow just fine as well. Indoors I prefer growing in coco.
MegaCrop one part = 25# for $100
MaxiGrow/Bloom = 4.4# for $65

Just saying ;)


Not sure where you're located but there is no 4.4lb container of maxi in the U.S., only 1kg, 16lbs, and 50 lbs.

I purchased a 16lb. container for $90 a month ago, works out to about $.06/gal, 1kg bags are $18 at the local hydro store.
Not sure where you're located but there is no 4.4lb container of maxi in the U.S., only 1kg, 16lbs, and 50 lbs.

I purchased a 16lb. container for $90 a month ago, works out to about $.06/gal, 1kg bags are $18 at the local hydro store.

Do you have problems with that quantity clumping? I find even with the 1k bag, there's some chunks that I have to remove, and I keep the bag ziploc'ed and in a second sealed bag.