Which Fertilizer is suitable my friends

If you wanted to take the time, you could set up a worm hotel in your gorilla bed. You would put worm bedding in it "compost and native soil, mixed with leaves" and you would add vegging and fruit waste in the bucket, put the lid on so animals and rodents stay away.. Also make sure you drill 1/2 inch holes all around the bottom of the bucket and around the sides so the worms can freely move in and out of the buckets.. This will allow the worms to work the soil and add castings to it, all naturally..

Here is one of my in bed worm hotels..


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oh i make my own ewc and ewc is the most important part of my super soil/living organic soil. i cant speak for storebought stuff but homemade ewc is something else when it comes to microbes.
I too have a worm farm, but I also have 5 rabbits as well with 2 of them being Giant Flemishes, their droppings are amazing for the soil
EWC's are the most expensive manure on the market, by far, there is not even a close second..

1 20 litre bag of ewc in Canada costs over 25 dollars after taxes
1 25 litre bag of composted sheep manure is 3-4 dollars..

still in the greater scheme of things when you pull a 1000 bucks worth of weed with that 25 dollars worth of ewc i’d pay for the ewc its just a richer form of fertilizer, more active the actual castings are also filled with micropores and stuff super available and gentle for plants has good water retention etc etc.

i love my ewc i couldnt do a run without it in all good conscience
I too have a worm farm, but I also have 5 rabbits as well with 2 of them being Giant Flemishes, their droppings are amazing for the soil

sure i heard rabbit manure is better than most like sheep or horse or cattle but i’d still compost that shit in my worm bin if i had it. i’m very partial to good homemade ewc.

If you wanted to take the time, you could set up a worm hotel in your gorilla bed. You would put worm bedding in it "compost and native soil, mixed with leaves" and you would add vegging and fruit waste in the bucket, put the lid on so animals and rodents stay away.. Also make sure you drill 1/2 inch holes all around the bottom of the bucket and around the sides so the worms can freely move in and out of the buckets.. This will allow the worms to work the soil and add castings to it, all naturally..

Here is one of my in bed worm hotels..

thats another option either way get some ewc into that soil would be my suggestion to the op. one way or another.
still in the greater scheme of things when you pull a 1000 bucks worth of weed with that 25 dollars worth of ewc i’d pay for the ewc its just a richer form of fertilizer, more active the actual castings are also filled with micropores and stuff super available and gentle for plants has good water retention etc etc.

i love my ewc i couldnt do a run without it in all good conscience
I guess Im spoilt to good soil, but I can get the same value out of 3 dollar bag of sheep manure and some native soil as I do spending that 25 dollars on a bag of castings.. My soil has a lot of that in it, even without the worm farm.

Being a budget grower I have to stretch everything as far as it can go and Im telling you first hand that sheep manure is the best value for the dollar.. Im not saying its the best to use but for the price it is..
sure i heard rabbit manure is better than most like sheep or horse or cattle but i’d still compost that shit in my worm bin if i had it. i’m very partial to good homemade ewc.

thats another option either way get some ewc into that soil would be my suggestion to the op. one way or another.
Yeah I throw mounds of it in my compost pile and I toss some to my worms.. When you got 2 giant flemishes you have more manure then you know what to do with..
Good thing about bunny manure is it is a cold manure, it will not burn plants and I can premix my soil with it using fresh droppings.. Sheep, chicken, cow, ect you can not do that with..
I guess Im spoilt to good soil, but I can get the same value out of 3 dollar bag of sheep manure and some native soil as I do spending that 25 dollars on a bag of castings.. My soil has a lot of that in it, even without the worm farm.

Being a budget grower I have to stretch everything as far as it can go and Im telling you first hand that sheep manure is the best value for the dollar.. Im not saying its the best to use but for the price it is..

i’m an indoor grower and i always have shit ton of worms in my pots too after a while i can see ewc accumulating in the trays, on top of my soil, basically everywhere. i love my worms.

but the bin is a different story, bin gets fed a premium diet like aloe, spirulina, banana peels, stinging nettles, oats, wheat bran, scorcia dust, eggshells, spent coffee etc etc. that ewc is something else.

sure i use sheep manure or farmyard manure too theyre not bad options definitely just that if i had the option to go with one i’d go for the ewc 100%
I agree fully with you, if you have worms and mounds of castings it is by far the best option.. I myself use to by the castings until I realized Im overpaying.. I took 2 bags worth of funds and bought materials for worm bins and red wigglers.. It was a better investment to say the least.. I also live in farmland and have access to several composted life stock manure..
I agree fully with you, if you have worms and mounds of castings it is by far the best option.. I myself use to by the castings until I realized Im overpaying.. I took 2 bags worth of funds and bought materials for worm bins and red wigglers.. It was a better investment to say the least.. I also live in farmland and have access to several composted life stock manure..

you’ve got it made brother i dont think op is that lucky though :)