Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I grew up in an age when there were dozens of murders a night portrayed on TV, some pretty gruesome, murder one of the most heinous acts was and largely is ok to show on TV. However show a tit or someone fucking and the whole fucking world would drop on them and they would be off the air in a heartbeat. Now since people screw each other more often than they kill each other, I always found this rather strange... Murder good, sex bad.
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Do you think mental illness plays a roll in these kids deciding to shoot innocent children? If yes, you dont believe that a kid, a teenager with no proper guidance at home, or worse, cant be influenced by a realistic first person shooter game?

I've already stated I dont believe the games alone cause shootings ( Adam Lanza was obsessed with COD but also loved dance dance revolution) But i think they can warp an already fragile mind.

It starts at home imo

You don’t think radicalization through social media is having a greater influence than video games?
Police kill armed man outside Scarborough elementary school
5,246 views May 26, 2022 Toronto police have shot and killed an armed man following reports that he was seen carrying a rifle outside an elementary school in Scarborough’s Port Union area.

I loved how they held a news conference to tell reporters they couldn’t discuss what happened.
When having an armed guard fails, when police fail, Cruz blames doors. The Sandy Hook murderer shot through a glass panel next to a locked door and let himself in. Another fail, Ted.
What they need at the NRA prayer meeting is open carry. Then someone could just shut off the lights and toss a pack of firecrackers on the floor, as they left in a hurry... :wink: :wink:
You don’t think radicalization through social media is having a greater influence than video games?
No, I dont think a twitter account provoked this kid to kill these children. I absolutely think sm is a problem though and I've mentioned it in other non political threads. I'm not sure about radicalization but I believe sm is having a major role with mental illness. Especially in the States and especially with kids mental well being here. Hell, a lot of adults have problems with sm and trying to keep up with their neighbors, the pressure on kids and teens these days must be staggering.

I'm not a gun guy, I do believe there is problem. But I dont think banning certain guns is the answer. Prevention, locking up guns, background checks and all around stricter laws should be enacted. That woukd be a start.
Sandy hook.
His mom was a gun nut and figured a gun was just what he needed to make a man out of him and cure his severe autism! She gave him the gun and was his first victim, then he went to his old school... I guess she had to buy the gun for him, cause the deep state probably would let him buy one after taking a look at him. She made sure it was a proper manly gun with a real big mag, cause changing mags too often is a violation of the 2nd amendment and a real bother. It slows you down and gives the enemy a chance to tackle ya before the body count gets real high and that interferes with your God given constitutional right and absolute freedumb. You must pry the guns from the cold dead hands of the children first, before you can pry them out of the fear driven assholes hands. It mostly has to do with cowardice, only the fear driven own a gun for protection, actual hunters are few these days and not many are target shooting sportsmen. They will keep their guns until the last possible kid dies and then threaten to use them to shoot anybody who wants to regulate them.

Of course some say the victims were "crises actors", I wonder if Alex Jones is touting that rather expensive lie, after this mass murder.
I grew up un an age when there were dozens of murders a night portrayed on TV, some pretty gruesome, murder one of the most heinous acts was and largely is ok to show on TV. However show a tit or someone fucking and the whole fucking world would drop on them and they would be off the air in a heartbeat. Now since people screw each other more often than they kill each other, I always found this rather strange... Murder good, sex bad.
I like guns

I like tits more.

The combo, however, no.

When having an armed guard fails, when police fail, Cruz blames doors. The Sandy Hook murderer shot through a glass panel next to a locked door and let himself in. Another fail, Ted.
What's the difference? They believe anything they are told. Surprised he didn't say ANTIFA let him in.
Sandy hook.
His mom was a gun nut and figured a gun was just what he needed to make a man out of him and cure his severe autism! She gave him the gun and was his first victim, then he went to his old school... I guess she had to buy the gun for him, cause the deep state probably would let him buy one after taking a look at him. She made sure it was a proper manly gun with a real big mag, cause changing mags too often is a violation of the 2nd amendment and a real bother. It slows you down and gives the enemy a chance to tackle ya before the body count gets real high and that interferes with your God given constitutional right and absolute freedumb. You must pry the guns from the cold dead hands of the children first, before you can pry them out of the fear driven assholes hands. It mostly has to do with cowardice, only the fear driven own a gun for protection, actual hunters are few these days and not many are target shooting sportsmen. They will keep their guns until the last possible kid dies and then threaten to use them to shoot anybody who wants to regulate them.

Of course some say the victims were "crises actors", I wonder if Alex Jones is touting that rather expensive lie, after this mass murder.
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Nope. He's blaming schizophrenia.
I'm not a gun guy, I do believe there is problem. But I dont think banning certain guns is the answer. Prevention, locking up guns, background checks and all around stricter laws should be enacted. That woukd be a start.
Agreed, regulation is a great starting point and would save lives. Regulation isn’t an encroachment on your 2A rights, so why is it so complicated?
Ted is an all star POS

His tour bus or whatever, was parked outside a local restaurant a few years ago. I wanted to see if he was actually in there or not but I was too busy, I regret not checking. I possibly missed a chance to punch him in the face.
Nope. He's blaming schizophrenia.
Looking at his life pictures that seems the more plausible explanation, though he could have been fucked up in a couple of ways at once. Mama payed for her stupidity with her life, unfortunately so did a lot of other mothers and fathers, not to mention the kids and teachers who threw themselves in front of him trying to save the kids. But the right hates education and hold teachers in special contempt. Schools are a valid civil war target, not just the right wing nuts, but for every nut for whatever reason, all they have to do is setup the conditions for chaos, as they have. Then blame the liberal government for the mess you create and perpetuate and say they failed, be afraid, be very afraid. Only I can fix it, but I will need some extra powers to make things right...

It's how the cold civil war is fought, don't expect to see General Lee on his fine white horse, this is how it is done, create the other out of blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, LBGTQ folks, Jews, city people, liberals, Antifa etc. They absolutely need an enemy to evoke tribalism and cause them to lose their minds, even if they have to make one up. This is a prerequisite for brain washing, along with that old standby, enrage to engage with a simple narrative and evil people to blame. Make issues from nothing at all, create social division wherever you can and expand those that exist. It is an information war as well as an all out assault on minorities and all aspects of their lives. Welcome to America and civil war 2, it happens to be mostly cold and is largely an information war. Though tell that to American women next week, or whenever the SCOTUS pinches off an opinion and wipes their collective ass with women's rights.
Taking guns from people with mental illness and character flaws will be difficult and would encompass far too many republicans! Jesus, remember the types who showed up at the capitol? Think any of those stupid assholes are fit to own a gun? I mean beating on your spouse would snag a lot of the proud boys types and incels don't like girls much. Not many republican candidates would be able to own a gun from my reading if such a thing were law. Psychos, antisocial personalities and narcists would be barred from ownership and of course there would be a domestic terrorist list too and you know a lot of rightwing nuts will have reservations on that one! I mean just making death threats could get a fellow on it or even pointing a gun at someone, outrageous! :lol:
Yep if gun laws were based on common sense and mental fitness they could at least reduce the carnage. However the republicans would oppose it because it would impact white males the most. I can see some republican gun nut being busted for domestic abuse and while he's at the station, the deep state rolls up a tractor traitor and loads up hundreds of guns, tons of ammo and other related items like body armor, reloading equipment and night scopes. Another wingnut going home to an empty house and a broken heart, why they never even left him a gun with one round to blow his own brains out with!

Once the republicans realize the implications of barring nuts and character flawed people from owning guns and ammo, they will realize it is most of their base!
Yep if gun laws were based on common sense and mental fitness they could at least reduce the carnage. However the republicans would oppose it because it would impact white males the most. I can see some republican gun nut being busted for domestic abuse and while he's at the station, the deep state rolls up a tractor traitor and loads up hundreds of guns, tons of ammo and other related items like body armor, reloading equipment and night scopes. Another wingnut going home to an empty house and a broken heart, why they never even left him a gun with one round to blow his own brains out with!

Once the republicans realize the implications of barring nuts and character flawed people from owning guns and ammo, they will realize it is most of their base!
Many of us remember the 80s and 90s when “common-sense” gun laws were restrictive. So the words “common sense” have been, if you’ll excuse the expression, weaponized.
Guns won't make a difference and neither will abortion, they have a larger cause and have yet to fight back. They've done this before and have vast experience, they just need to wait a spell for the stink to die down, then they can get to work. Been there done that, it's just more dead kids and they weren't "real Americans" anyway. It can all be rationalized away when the talking points come out, meanwhile thoughts and prayers, until we can whip up the base. Perhaps Trump will pontificate about it and give them some direction during his next hate rally. He did say, just take the guns before due process once on TV, but that was quickly forgotten, they have a larger cause.

‘Tools Of War’: GOP’s Obsession With Guns Reveals Major Weakness Within The Party
10,324 views May 26, 2022 Though gun violence is now the top cause of death for children in America, the GOP refuses to acknowledge that guns are the problem. MSNBC’s Ari Melber is joined by former RNC chair Michael Steele to discuss the GOP’s fetishization of guns and the Democrats’ messaging on gun safety. Steele tells Melber that “this has become very personal for a lot of Americans.”