Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

So it is Biden’s fault?

All you have to do is google the date and there are even left wing news articles to back it up….because we both know if I linked anything outside your comfort zone it would be “fake news”

Example: January 27 2021

Or June 1st 2021

Or recently May 12 2022

View attachment 5137989

All you have to do is google the date and there are even left wing news articles to back it up….because we both know if I linked anything outside your comfort zone it would be “fake news”

Example: January 27 2021

Or June 1st 2021

Or recently May 12 2022

Sorry right wing radicals are the “fake news” crowd
Try and keep up snowflake
I was just down south visiting my dad who is not doing well. His wife died of covid he’s hating life. My whole family down south are born again whatever you call them
I had a lot to say. My born again brother in law said you know why we Voted for him. Single issue.

those fucking retards. I presented the facts.
#1 not all dems are pro choice.
#2 abortion rates have steadily declined since the Roe V Wade decision, but have gone down more under Dem administrations.
#3 women will die
#4 republicans do not support bills that will help that same pregnant woman let alone help the mother and baby once born.

They don’t give a fuck. It’s fake news.
View attachment 5137989

All you have to do is google the date and there are even left wing news articles to back it up….because we both know if I linked anything outside your comfort zone it would be “fake news”

Example: January 27 2021

Or June 1st 2021

Or recently May 12 2022

You fuckin dumfuck.
high fuel prices world wide. Biden’s fault. Shut your stupid hole.

Wtf is up with these lames! Jesus fucking christ
It’s Obamas fault

You have no idea how much I fall back on blaming Obama. It's incredible. As an atheist, I never got to blame God when something bad happened. Now....well now my friend, I know the joy of scapegoating others for my own shortcomings. Forgot to set the timer and burned my pizza, fuck you Obama this is your fault. Up there in your fancy ivory towers eating gray pupoun in a tan suit.

View attachment 5137989

All you have to do is google the date and there are even left wing news articles to back it up….because we both know if I linked anything outside your comfort zone it would be “fake news”

Example: January 27 2021

Or June 1st 2021

Or recently May 12 2022

Biden really fucked up with Germany. $8.26 / gallon there.
I was just down south visiting my dad who is not doing well. His wife died of covid he’s hating life. My whole family down south are born again whatever you call them
I had a lot to say. My born again brother in law said you know why we Voted for him. Single issue.

those fucking retards. I presented the facts.
#1 not all dems are pro choice.
#2 abortion rates have steadily declined since the Roe V Wade decision, but have gone down more under Dem administrations.
#3 women will die
#4 republicans do not support bills that will help that same pregnant woman let alone help the mother and baby once born.

They don’t give a fuck. It’s fake news.

Sorry for your loss.
Welcome back home. on a side note, did you install a vent for your fridge?
Biden really fucked up with Germany. $8.26 / gallon there.

correction: Germany fucked up with Germany.

The fact you compare a country like Germany to the US in terms of oil producing and export capabilities, leads me to believe you may be unfamiliar with either countries capabilities or policies in effect. That domestic production number is a whopping 5%


correction: Germany fucked up with Germany.

View attachment 5138019

The fact you compare a country like Germany to the US in terms of oil producing and export capabilities, leads me to believe you may be unfamiliar with either countries capabilities or policies in effect. That domestic production number is a whopping 5%


So what you are saying is, Biden refuses to sell Subs to Saudi. who do you work for?