Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

They hate education because now the brown folks can get some too, the education system is also a meritocracy where smarts and motivation count most, it is a more level playing field. The same goes for the military, they are among the most socially progressive organizations in America and a disproportionate number of minorities are serving for the opportunities and services it provides. Lately the republicans have little trouble disrespecting veterans, or voting for those who do, because there are so many minority veterans these days. They have no issues with open treason either and treason is a proud family tradition among some of them.
Yeah, let's pump these numbers up and really make people pay!
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It's not the seller who sets the price, it is the buyer and it's a combination of pandemic caused supply side issues and pandemic caused wealth as people saved money staying home and got government money. On top of this is corporate price gouging, why not they like Trump are above the law. Now we have the war putting the squeeze on gas prices and on basic food stuffs. Oh don't forget covid is now ravaging China and many things are made there, shortages lead to higher prices, supply and demand. People can drive fuel efficient cars instead of driving 3 tones of steel down to the corner store to get milk, then bitching and whining because gas is expensive. It is expensive in gas to drive a big ego around and even more difficult to carry one around in life. When more people drive EVs the price of gas will drop because demand will be less, how much will gas cost be in ten years if almost all the cars on the road are EVs or even half of them? During the pandemic they were paying them to take oil away because demand fell so low with lockdowns and fear.
It's not the seller who sets the price, it is the buyer and it's a combination of pandemic caused supply side issues and pandemic caused wealth as people saved money staying home and got government money. On top of this is corporate price gouging, why not they like Trump are above the law. Now we have the war putting the squeeze on gas prices and on basic food stuffs. Oh don't forget covid is now ravaging China and many things are made there, shortages lead to higher prices, supply and demand. People can drive fuel efficient cars instead of driving 3 tones of steel down to the corner store to get milk, then bitching and whining because gas is expensive. It is expensive in gas to drive a big ego around and even more difficult to carry one around in life. When more people drive EVs the price of gas will drop because demand will be less, how much will gas cost be in ten years if almost all the cars on the road are EVs or even half of them? During the pandemic they were paying them to take oil away because demand fell so low with lockdowns and fear.
You're going to piss me off if you keep saying things that make sense and are based on logic.
Electric vehicles....what a crock of shit for a majority of the people. I drove to FL last week and now headed home, guess how many electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations I've seen on this roughly 1800mile journey. Not fucking one. Semi trucks hauling goods for us though? Too dn many to count. Litter the highways with quick charge stations and maybe people will start, but then your boy Elon will just get that more rich. Those cars right now are nothing more than status symbols designed to keep you close to home because you're dependent on a stupid outlet to plug into.

And most of them pieces of shit have a 200-300mile range, a few with a little more range up to 400 and then I gotta sit somewhere for 8 hours for it to charge?!
LOL NO THANK YOU. I like to go do things, I don't need some clown stuck in a city telling me how I need to live and what I should be driving and where I shouldn't be going. The technology will get their eventually, private industry will drive it, but right now it's bullshit.

I can tell you how to live too, watch...hey, if you live in a city, you don't even need a car, get rid of it and walk everywhere or ride a bike...I don't give a shit if it freezing or 110, you should walk to save the environment.
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Right...my opinion differs, I live a different life than you so I am "trying too hard"
You don’t live in reality obvious by your supposition that people who live in cities are somehow stuck there
Or that you being in a rural area makes you special
How about you stop getting funding from municipalities and we no longer allow you road access ?
Worrying about the environment is a community thing
Not a homeschool country bumpkin priority but it is a mankind concern
You don’t live in reality obvious by your supposition that people who live in cities are somehow stuck there
Or that you being in a rural area makes you special
How about you stop getting funding from municipalities and we no longer allow you road access ?
Worrying about the environment is a community thing
Not a homeschool country bumpkin priority but it is a mankind concern
You don't get to tell me what to worry about. :)