Virtually Unknown Member
Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, committed suicide via gunshot on 30 April 1945 in his bunker in Berlin. Eva Braun, his wife of one day, also committed suicide by taking cyanide. In accordance with his prior written and verbal instructions, that afternoon their remains were carried up the stairs through the bunker's emergency exit, doused in petrol, and set alight in the Reich Chancellery garden outside the bunker.
Although records in the Soviet archives indicate that the burned remains of Hitler and Braun were recovered and interred in successive locations until 1946, and that they were exhumed again and cremated in 1970, this has been shown to be extremely unlikely, since eyewitnesses testified that there were no bodies per se remaining after the burning, just ashes. The suggestion that the bodies were serially exhumed and re-buried is considered to be part of a Soviet disinformation campaign on the order of Joseph Stalin to sow confusion regarding Hitler's death.
One of the Nazi principles was that death was better than dishonor, which may have prompted Hitler to rather choose suicide than (if he survived the capture) be tried for his crimes against humanity. He may also have believed that a captain doesn’t abandon a sinking ship, which would make trying to flee a dishonorable act. Hitler may have decided to stay in Berlin right till the end to prove that he stand by his ideals and was there for his people.
While hiding out in the bunker, Hitler got word that Mussolini was captured when trying to escape with his mistress and that they both were shot and their bodies hung a town square where they were reviled by vengeful people. Hitler didn’t want anything like that to happen to him and wrote in his last will and testament that he didn’t want to become a “spectacle.”

Adolph Hitler: His Life, Ideology, Rise, and Downfall - History
Adolph Hitler, German politician and leader of the Nazi Party, led his nation into a disastrous war and exterminated millions of his own citizens.

Death of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia