Boss says these look overwatered...


Active Member
Newer irrigation system installed. I was out for 2 days sick and the owner is walking around. I'm getting called saying "these plants.. there's something wrong". So I entertain him and ask him to explain... somehow he looks at the plants in these pictures and gets the idea they are overwatered. Then picks up the pots and starts telling me some are "too heavy"... now all of what he's saying doesn't seem to have any real correlation to anything but just a sanity check here. These plants look very happy do they not?.?

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The system has been running for 3 weeks. Now of course things are still being tweaked in but he's acting like it's not working at all everything is overwatered and he's gonna LOSE THE ROOM! That seems like the furthest thing from reality
Right but he could be correct on pots weighing heavy which would make sense if the system was set up then you defoliated slowing consumption temporarily
Right but he could be correct on pots weighing heavy which would make sense if the system was set up then you defoliated slowing consumption temporarily
They were in the middle of defoliating the room.. but again it's always being tweaked a bit..especially with it being relatively new
Looks great, but do I see a minor K issue starting to show its head? Especially in the last pic. Discoloration around the margins. Still better than anything Id be capable of by a long shot.
in the first pic there's issues (clawing) that could lead to the assumption of overwatering, and in the 4th pic you see leaf margin & tip burn or discoloration but it's hard to give a professional evaluation lool when you dont do close ups or just defoliated and not show bottom fans...
So we had a pest rear it's head and sprayed pretty aggressively this week. There's were 2 days that the lights came on sooner than they shldve after spraying. I've attributed some of the discoloration to that.. @Kassiopeija
in the first pic there's issues (clawing) that could lead to the assumption of overwatering, and in the 4th pic you see leaf margin & tip burn or discoloration but it's hard to give a professional evaluation lool when you dont do close ups or just defoliated and not show bottom fans...
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I agree, something is off. The tip burn/yellowing around edges and the leaf clawing are a concern. It's most likely just that the new system needs to be dialed in, and it's entirely possible the boss was right and they are being overwatered.