Well-Known Member
I know if I reply to my own comment it is considered spam (really it is/I was warned)
Fuck it

Watch the show and start at 4:15
I can't remember that man's name, but he's very good
Anyway, reciting his 2nd line he say's
"Did you ever think you were born in the wrong Century?"
Most of the time I feel like I was born on the wrong fucking Planet (beam me up Scotty, please!!!)
We have a sitting Supreme Court Justice evocating a fucking medieval POS thesis from an English MAN!!! who sentenced women to Death for Witchcraft.
Those words were worth consideration/had merit?
And because abortions weren't mentioned in the Constitution, that means they don't have anyplace in American society today?
Really, that fuck wad's opinion is worthy enough to be used as a legitimate source/influence to make a decision on a womans state of well being/health in 2022 in the US?
How the fuck did Alito find that shit?
What, did he assign a clerk to study Ancient English opinions on abortion, who then Googled it?
If he presented that argument before a Judge in court today, he'd be laughed at for such an absurdity (I hope)
And this from supposedly one of the greatest legal mind in this nuthouse of a Nation.
Holy shit
All Sanity in this Nation is gone
The monkey's have taken over.

Fuck it

Watch the show and start at 4:15
I can't remember that man's name, but he's very good
Anyway, reciting his 2nd line he say's
"Did you ever think you were born in the wrong Century?"
Most of the time I feel like I was born on the wrong fucking Planet (beam me up Scotty, please!!!)
We have a sitting Supreme Court Justice evocating a fucking medieval POS thesis from an English MAN!!! who sentenced women to Death for Witchcraft.
Those words were worth consideration/had merit?
And because abortions weren't mentioned in the Constitution, that means they don't have anyplace in American society today?
Really, that fuck wad's opinion is worthy enough to be used as a legitimate source/influence to make a decision on a womans state of well being/health in 2022 in the US?
How the fuck did Alito find that shit?
What, did he assign a clerk to study Ancient English opinions on abortion, who then Googled it?
If he presented that argument before a Judge in court today, he'd be laughed at for such an absurdity (I hope)
And this from supposedly one of the greatest legal mind in this nuthouse of a Nation.
Holy shit
All Sanity in this Nation is gone
The monkey's have taken over.