So many stores


Well-Known Member
Kamloops, semi dessert. Dry in summer, really hot. I lived there for a year. Fun river tubing the thompson.

Vernon and kamloops have a lower income folk which is fine, i grew up in vernon with low income. Kelowna (and lesser extent, penticton) thrived due to hwy 97 connector.

Enjoy the Okanagan, considered Canada's banana belt for the heat. You will love the area.

Back in the day, kamloops was a tough town.
Kamloops, semi dessert. Dry in summer, really hot. I lived there for a year. Fun river tubing the thompson.

Vernon and kamloops have a lower income folk which is fine, i grew up in vernon with low income. Kelowna (and lesser extent, penticton) thrived due to hwy 97 connector.

Enjoy the Okanagan, considered Canada's banana belt for the heat. You will love the area.

Back in the day, kamloops was a tough town.

I grew up there from 84 to 1995 then moves to the coast. Been 11 days here and its like 1995 with 500x more homless. Not a good move, my cat got really sick and had to put him down and then all my camera gear got stolen lol in the same weekend.
Moved to Kamloops BC and there's weed stores everywhere here guess what I see when I drive by :crickets: well couple of times I saw one car pull away and employees standing outside...

Also buddy of mine sent me an ad for a local hydro store for sale with property for $949K :confused:

Do you ever go to WHL games?
Moved to Kamloops BC and there's weed stores everywhere here guess what I see when I drive by :crickets: well couple of times I saw one car pull away and employees standing outside...

Also buddy of mine sent me an ad for a local hydro store for sale with property for $949K :confused:

I have this tiny strip mall near my house with about 20 random shops in it, and 3 of those 20 are dispensaries. $60 ounces advertised at all 3

Just ridiculous around here.
Damn!, move back to the coast!

Can't for at least a couple of years the new division of construction company were starting is taking off and should be able to make same money as I did with my store or more but I got monster bills to pay off that I the funds to keep the shop going. I don't wanna start bankruptcy and rather pay off what I owe.
Actually today I hiked Cinnamon Ridge by the airport and was an awesome area so made thinking about staying here a little easier. Love the weathered desert mountain structures/hoodoos.
Back in the day when Ken Hitchkock lived next door use to always get Blazers ticket but haven't been to a hockey game for ages.
We use to go like every week to the Seattle Thunderbirds games. We played Kamloops all the time. Still have the tickets. WHL games are funner than NHL games if you ask me. Way more fights and shit. We had a guy named Brett Duncan that had the most penalty minutes in anyone in the league. He was a badass and always won easily. Until one time a Portland Winterhawk gave him a match. Nobody really one that one, but both guys were pretty equal in badass points, lol. Fun shit.

I still have a jersey, and wore it once around here in CO after the Seahawks beat the Broncos in the Super Bowl. You wouldn't imagine the dirty looks I got. An old lady even said some shit, :lol:. They were thinking it was a Seahawks jersey since the colors are the same.
We use to go like every week to the Seattle Thunderbirds games. We played Kamloops all the time. Still have the tickets. WHL games are funner than NHL games if you ask me. Way more fights and shit. We had a guy named Brett Duncan that had the most penalty minutes in anyone in the league. He was a badass and always won easily. Until one time a Portland Winterhawk gave him a match. Nobody really one that one, but both guys were pretty equal in badass points, lol. Fun shit.

I still have a jersey, and wore it once around here in CO after the Seahawks beat the Broncos in the Super Bowl. You wouldn't imagine the dirty looks I got. An old lady even said some shit, :lol:. They were thinking it was a Seahawks jersey since the colors are the same.

I think there was an NHL strike early 2000's which made people realize how good WHL was and seems to have give it a big boost
In Cambridge Ontario...a population of about 150k...we have 50 pot stores.

They are down to on sale 80 dollar oz...with a discount coupon....I get the mailers.

How can they every make it....In some situations the stores are 50 feet apart from each other and they all sell the same crap !
Same here. In my town that I live outside of, we have 1 Dispenary per 1000 people population, and you have to consider that 70-80% of them are not even patient card holders. I never see anyone parked out front of one. I don’t see how they are keeping the doors open.