I'm on Ukraine's side but they are Racist.

Ukraine is just a propaganda tool used by the media to distract pea brained citizens into thinking Bixen is actually doing a good job meanwhile everything is double the price and people's pockets are suffering. It's easy for these people to cry to help Ukraine, so do this for me, add 50% of your paycheck to donate to them then. Show me where your money is going. Reeeeeeee
yes, yes we already know that Republicans are in Putin's pocket. No need to repeat it.

Joke is on US, costing billions supporting this war, billions more rebuilding if the ukrainians don’t lose. Russia bleeding us dry while selling their oil to india and any of our allies that want it. Total bullshit.
Joke is on US, costing billions supporting this war, billions more rebuilding if the ukrainians don’t lose. Russia bleeding us dry while selling their oil to india and any of our allies that want it. Total bullshit.
So defending democracy is a waste ?
Ok comrade

Ze to Macron: I want to see Putin in jail.
Macron: it is impossible, he is not going to be visiting you there.
Lmao I bet you have CNN and MSNBC on 24 hours a day. Must be sad to be told what to think.

Another boring and old line. That one goes back to the 2010.

What's truly hilarious about your old and tired stuff is that it brings back the reason why Trump was impeached the second time. It also highlights the links Republican leadership have with Putin and Russia.
