I could not find any back when I was looking for it, but there are online shops in the UK, that sell it, eg. 1-hydroponics.co.uk
And not to bash any one, but please dont order at hg-hydroponics, they are slower than a slug, 4 weeks after I ordered nothing happend and emailing them only gave vague, irrelevant answers, had to get money back via the bank system.
I did also try various products eg. for aquariums, did not really work out.
No no mate, they both sell Hydroguard in Europe.
Southern Ag Garden Friendly Biological Fungicide,16oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VXQG23O/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_EK5MWR2T4SEF7Z7J3Y8K
Not sure if this is available where you are? Ot is the same bacteria as hydrogaurd but is 1 million times more potent. Works awesome.
Southern Ag Garden Friendly Biological Fungicide,16oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VXQG23O/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_EK5MWR2T4SEF7Z7J3Y8K
Not sure if this is available where you are? Ot is the same bacteria as hydrogaurd but is 1 million times more potent. Works awesome.
Yes it is worth it. It is literally 1 million times stronger than hydrogaurd. Alot of people on this site have made the switch. Recommend 1ml per 10 gallons, even 1ml per gallon. Can't really over do it. I belive shelf life is about 1 year. Bottle has no date or expiration date. FYI it looks like chocolate milk. Dont worry, this stuff is great.
With Flood & Drain you can keep it super simple. Just use inorganic nutes and water. I have been running my F&D this way for years. If you have decent water you won't even need to check pH
I'm running sterile/inorganic, but this stuff is a life saver in DWC, it's hydrogen peroxide based though so it will murder all bacteria, friend or foe!
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I have hydrogen peroxide is this Suff the same?