is this wrong????


New Member
im 18 and in my freshman year in college and i think im starting to like a freshman girl in highschool?? is this really wrong, i mean i know its illegal but wat the hell am i gonna do??


New Member
idk man haha, i knew someone that dated a 7th grade as a junior.
that's not illegal but that shits weird haha.

if you like her, you can like her.
but don't like her


Well-Known Member
lol why the fuck did u post that shit here. This is a marijuana forum not a sex ed forum haha. Well have fun whatever you do


Green Thumb of God
I'd back away from that shit. There's a lot of tail to chase on the prowl the younger they are the more immature bullshit you will have to deal with no matter how cool she seems now.


New Member
but i do wanna say one thing... wat about the pussy??? so tight and nice. sorry if this sounds really freaking weird


Well-Known Member
Four years is not a big age different when both parties are adults.

You are an adult. She's a kid.

Universities are swimming with available single women.


Well-Known Member
18 n 14
damn I thought a junior(HS) going with a freshmen was weird.

I say go get at some college girls


Well-Known Member
but i do wanna say one thing... wat about the pussy??? so tight and nice. sorry if this sounds really freaking weird
Desiring tight pussy is not weird. Underage pussy is jailbait. Also known as statutory rape.
ya i know, but most of the girls here at my school are sluts and i dont want that shit man
Funny, when I was in high school the girls who put out were sluts. Is that not your intention with this minor?

Of course, I went to HS a long time ago.

Stick with the coeds.


New Member
well if i pick up a drunk chick thats means i should be drunk also because sex with a drunk person when your not drunk isnt all that fun, plus yes i would like her to put out but i dont want her to have already put out.


New Member
that does make me hard but i dont want her to become a slut if it deosnt work out or something, but it doesnt mean im a sick fuck, i just like the idea of a nice, clean, tight pussy not something where you could hide a terroist in(no offense to any women)


New Member
but i do wanna say one thing... wat about the pussy??? so tight and nice. sorry if this sounds really freaking weird
Dude am from the uk so i dont get all this freshman stuff in the uk its primary school (7 to 12) then high school (12 to 16), if shes under 16 back off we all have names for those kind of people, if she is over 16 and its legal whats the harm, also find out if her dads a big fucker that could possibly fling you around like a wet blanket, these things matter.


New Member
you make a point, but he made me laugh as well.

i love a nice tight warm clean pussy, if i'm fucking this shit, i think of it as a damn house.
if i couldn't live in there for a week, then we aren't fuckin