
Well-Known Member
I have been using DynoMyco for over a year now but never tried a side-by-side grow to see how much or if it really made any difference. I was really pleased to be picked as part of this trial to show to myself and anyone who cares to tune in how good this product is. Before DynoMyco I was sometimes using unfiltered water from the dugout on my property, (which is our tap water but filtered down to 5µ before going to our taps), to supply a variety of micro-organisms to my early attempts at semi-organic growing.

As of yesterday when I went to town to get mail I still haven't received my DynoMyco and the rooted clones I had ready for it needed potting ASAP so I went ahead and used my own to get started before my clones got into serious trouble.

What better day to start than 4/20 eh! :)

To get this going I used one of the pots to measure out enough ProMix HP to fill 3 pots then added some dry nutes. Each pot holds 2.2L when filled to an inch or so below the tops.

A Tbsp each of the following went into the whole batch.

U-Cann Herb Thrive 5-4-5 Step 2 stuff.
Gaia Green Insect Frass 3-2-4
Gaia Green Kelp Meal 1-0-2
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth

Water was sprinkled in to pre-moisten the batch and it had a small amount of pure dextrose added to it to supply some carbs.

I've only been playing around with organics for the last couple of years after mostly doing DWC for many years. My first use of Gaia Green type products was only 6 months ago and I burned the first plants using not a lot more than I'm starting with now so going easy to start and can amend as I go.

Once it was moist enough and very well blended I filled two of the pots and after checking there was enough left by filling the 3rd pot I dumped that one back in the tub and added 5g of DYNOMYCO and mixed it up. I kind of guesstimated how much to use from the instructions on the back of my pack and it's a lot more than what I have been using.

Now for the eye candy.

The pots all ready to receive their clones. The DynoMyco and Control ones got watered in with RO water with a bit of dextrose added and the Dugout one got dugout water with a bit of dextrose too. The water for both was 80°F when used and all pots watered to saturation with at least 10% runoff they sat in for a while.


The well rooted clones were brought out and for the transplant. The one on the right was a couple days later to show roots so is being used in the Dugout pot. The other two are really close to identical so should work well for this experiment.


About 1ml of DynoMyco was sprinkled into the hole then some RO water sprayed in just before the clone was installed. The other pots got none.


DynoMyco clone going in. They all had roots like this.


All potted uup and set at 20" from my little COB LED that pulls 200w from the wall. I'll move it in closer as they get acclimated to the new environment. Going from about 90% RH to 27% can shock them a bit but I have a humidifier going now in the spare bedroom the 2x4x5'h tent is in so that should improve. There's also a thermostatically controlled 500w heater in there so they don't drop in temp and stay close to 75F all the time with 18 hours of light per day.




All tucked in now so grow babies grow!


As I was trained as a chemist and in the scientific method I will make sure that all the plants are treated exactly the same. What one gets fed, all get fed and all other variables kept equal to get a fair evaluation of the DynoMyco and the effect it has on plants treated with it. I may even do one of my own after this using just ProMix HP with all hydro nutes as DynoMyco is supposed to be compatible with those as well. The two clones used in the DynoMyco and Control pots are as identical as I've ever seen two clones even down to the same amount of leaves and nodes so it should be a fair trial.

Stay tuned for regular updates as time marches on! labrat.gif

Happy 4/20 everyone!

Love that product.

I've been liking it since I started using it. Was just trying to get into growing more organically using products I can get in my area and the pickings are slim. There is a garden centre a half hour away that should be opening on the 1st of April I think and then it's farm supply or hardware stores. Nearest hydro store is 2 hrs away and that's where I found the Dyno first.

The plants I grew using it didn't really go nuts but I was using far less than what's listed on the pack to use. They did seem a lot happier and healthier tho and that was noticeable. Maybe I was just getting better at it tho. So much easier doing DWC. :)

I've done side-by-side grows on my own with various hydro supplements and found most did diddly-squat so why waste money on them.

Thanks for dropping by.

Really like comparative test runs like this. I did one for Purple Maxx on here. It had 2 feeding methods so. 1 without either. 1 with in Rez no foliar. 1 both, 1 foliar nor Rez. Conclusion not worth it.
I was using nectar of the gods nutrients and switch to cultured Eon 360 nutrients carbon based .. been using Bigfoot for awhile , sprinkle in and then once a month do a water in … so this dyncomyco is new to me just use it when trans planting . One of these days I like to try both and see how it goes that’s for another time …. Happy growing .
I took pics on Saturday to post here and shit got in the way so took fresh pics tonight and will use them.

I screwed up by moving the light in a little too close I think and forgetting to put the little tower fan back on oscillating so it was just blasting away at the plants for over a day at 80F and a lousy 30% humidity. The upper leaves look all nute burned with the Control plant suffering the worst I'd say. The DynoMyco plant seems to be doing the best and all grew a good inch since they got potted.

I never get freaked when shit like this happens. They'll grow out of it and in a couple weeks the damaged leaves will be redundant and can be removed if not gone already. I'll let them get a couple healthy nodes going then top them all. I would usually go for a FIM but if they both don't get the same number of grow tips out of the FIM it will skew the experiment slightly in favour of the one with the less tops. A second topping once the new tops have a good node then probably into a bigger pot in readiness for flowering a week or two after. I usually veg too long to make bigger plants but gotta keep the ball rollin'!

Unless you blow up the pic it's hard to read tape measure so I'll use something easier to see next time. Should have one here an inch wide, yellow with black markings in inches and cms.

When I potted them the Control and Dyno were just 3¼" each with the Dugout one at 3" even. Now the first two are 4¼" measured at the centre of the grow tip from the soil.

Side view. I shift the plants around so they get fairly equal time in the middle position as my little light meter reads very slightly higher there but will take the pics lined up the same each time.


Top view is even uglier. They are just 4 days from being clones too and clones rarely look like pretty plants when starting off in my experience but maybe that's just me. :) The centres of the grow tips are a nice lime colour indicating fairly rapid growth and as long as that keeps coming in healthy we're off to the races!


Not a lot more going on at this stage. They won't need water for another few days at least so when they do I may feed them a little of the REMO VeloKelp I picked up last time I was in the city a month ago. Love this stuff or even garden store seaweed fertilizer. I use on everything from seedlings on up. Chalk full of kelpish goodness and all-round feeding at 1-1-1. Gotta try growing a clone in promix with nothing but it, ( and some DynoMyco of course), to see how it does.

Until later . . .

Not much change with the girls other than they look a little worse but grew a half inch.

Went to repot in some ProMix Veg&Herb to find the wife used it in her greenhouse so went with a flush to reduce the nute level a bit. They were ready for a watering too. I set them in pans first and soaked past saturation with warm, aerated RO water and let then sit for a half hour to make sure any dry spots in the pots got soaked too.

Then I set them on a grill in the bathtub and slowly poured a litre of the same water thru them. Let them drain and put them back in the tent.


The little side branches are coming in fairly healthy so I carefully snipped the terminal bud off each plant to hurry that along. If I'm correct about the nute burn there should be a lot more green in a week. I'll take the larger damaged leaves off once there's some new growth to take up their chores.

I forgot to adjust the white balance on my camera before taking this shot so sorry for the pinkish hue.


Well,that went to shit quick.
Do you pre cook your soil mix first? Or was this a mix and plant?

For those gals I just mixed some of the Gaia Green products into enough ProMix HP to fill those three pots. Moistened it as I mixed then filled the pots and watered in the clones. Looking back now I see that I added too much so that the combination of high nute levels, low RH around 30%, light a bit too close and the constant wind from the fan fried the little girls. The RH is now around 45 -50% at 75 - 80F with the fan oscillating and not aimed directly at the plants so with the reduced nute level I have every confidence they will turn around rapidly.

When I mixed up a 60L batch of ProMix using actual manures and other stuff in a big Rubbermaid tub I kept the tub in the grow room and cooked that for over a month before transplanting other plants into it and they show various amounts of burn too. Way too much N so flowering has been very slow with all but my one CBD hempish girl that has buds more than twice the size as the THC strains with not a sign of nute burn anywhere.

I could have played it safe and just used some 3-part AN nutes in straight ProMix like I was doing after switching from DWC. That was getting boring so I headed off into organics that had always been my foil. Twenty years of doing the same thing is like being married. Comfortable but makes you wonder what else is out there. ;)

Not the best time to experiment with a totally different type of nutrients but now I'll get to show my diagnostic and recovery skills or go down in flames. :D

I go 1 cup 444 to 5g promix Hp for root bound solo cups.For fresh clones I dilute it 50/50 with straight promix.

You mean you mix the 5gal batch then dilute some of that half&half with promix again for clones right? I read it as half 444 and half promix at first and was like WTF! lol

I probably would have been fine if I had of just used a Tbsp of the fertilizer and skipped the insect frass and kelp meal. If I cut all 3 in half I pretty sure the plants would be looking a lot better by now.

The last two years I've started growing autos outside in basically what I'm using inside with manures but also our garden compost enhanced with chicken manure from our 30 bird flock. Wouldn't mind using that inside but I know I'd have bugs everywhere. This year I want to get a small worm farm going for castings and have worms in my indoor grows too.

I just made feminized F1 seeds of my favourite auto, Mazarilla by Urban Legends, the ones that did well last summer so will grow a couple of those and a couple of the original ones out in the raised bed where they will get full sun all day. The patch I grew in last year gets about 4 or 5 hours less sun every day so this years should get bigger. 18 hours of sun for most of the summer is the kind of days autos ancestor, C. ruderalis, evolved to grow in. They grew really well in the mix I made so hoping to replicate that in the new patch.

The two up front are the Mazarilla and the middle one is an unrelated CBD auto that won't be grown again. 6oz each so not huge but I don't need huge. Hoping for 10 each tho in the new spot. I also added most of a 75g pack of DynoMyco to the mix and some in the transplant holes when I put the babies out there on June 29. Was aiming for June 15 but the weather was wet and cold so they had to wait an extra 2 weeks. chopped Set. 11 so 93 days from sprout which just fits our grow season perfectly. Snowed 3 days after the chop. Fan leaves removed the day before the chop.


I make a habit of always having some mix of soil cooking,Either something simple like I said above or a more traditional peat,perlite and compost mix.

Yes I dilute cooked 50/50 with straight PM.

Hope your clones are looking better.
I make a habit of always having some mix of soil cooking,Either something simple like I said above or a more traditional peat,perlite and compost mix.

Yes I dilute cooked 50/50 with straight PM.

Hope your clones are looking better.

The new growth is starting to come up nice and I'll be posting pics by wednesday. I'll do a before and after taking off the damaged fan leaves if the side branches are looking as good as I think they will.

This last mix of manures and other goodies I made to add to promix seems too strong so have enough left to use at half strength to do a whole 107L bale I think. I actually wrote it all down in a text file so take a look and maybe see what's up with it. I was going to use 4cups to 10L promix but went with 2 and still had too much N etc but the plants now almost 3 weeks into flower and chugging along.

For 120L Promix HP

6 cups each:
Steer Manure from local co-op
Sheep Manure from local co-op
Mushroom Manure from local co-op
2 cups worm castings
2 cups Bone Meal 2-12-0
1 cup activated carbon powder
25ml PyroClay 58% silica and many trace elements
150ml Gaia Green Kelp Meal 1-0-2
25g DynoMyco

Mixed all that together and used 2 cups for each 10L batch I mixed up in a rubbermaid tub along with 1tsp flowers of sulfur in each batch. Was going to use 4 cups but glad I halved that as my sensitive plants are showing signs of nute burn a bit.

Scratching my head,too early to do math.

Rule of thumb,3 cups food 4 cups rock dust per cuft,,,,7.5g

Promix add 20-30% compost,your looking for a 40-40-20 peat, perlite, compost(ewc) mix.

Youll have to do the math from your mix.

Or something even simpler,1 cup 444 gaia per 5g promix a couple hand fulls of ewc moisten and cook.
Busy busy so a bit late with an update but at least have some good news.

The flush and topping seems to have helped and the new growth is coming in looking a lot better so the worst is over. I think it was the damn Covid to tell the truth! ;)

The DynoMyco treated plant seems to be recovering a bit faster than the others. 1/2" taller than the control now at 6 3/4"/17.5cm and the side branches are generally longer. Centres of the grow tips are lime green indicating that the growth is becoming rapid. Pretty sure the overdose was messing with the roots as well or at least absorption of nutrients but each pot has a couple root tips poking out at least one drain hole so they're growing.


Trying to take the pics with a tape sux so I'll just report the heights and get the side view shot so you can see the difference. The look better from the top tho. :)


This is my Earth Lover all CBD plant 3rd clone generation from seed. The two clones in the front of that 6-hole pot with the empty spot in the middle are her sister clones and she looked like the one on the left a little less than 4 days ago when I took this pic tonight. I used straight ProMix HP and watered it in with some REMO VeloKelp 1-1-1 at 1ml/L. Nothing else other than a secret ingredient called DynoMyco and some dextrose to feed the bio-herd! I mixed 2g into the promix and sprinkled a bit in the hole.

This is not usually a fast growing plant. Got huge at 5' outside when I grew the great grandmother from seed but indoor hasn't been a star. I'm pleasantly surprised.


I'm going to need to do another trial like this using just promix and hydro nutes. Dynomyco is supposed to work well with hydro nutes as well and I never have trouble growing with that combo.

C'ya soon!

Busy busy so a bit late with an update but at least have some good news.

The flush and topping seems to have helped and the new growth is coming in looking a lot better so the worst is over. I think it was the damn Covid to tell the truth! ;)

The DynoMyco treated plant seems to be recovering a bit faster than the others. 1/2" taller than the control now at 6 3/4"/17.5cm and the side branches are generally longer. Centres of the grow tips are lime green indicating that the growth is becoming rapid. Pretty sure the overdose was messing with the roots as well or at least absorption of nutrients but each pot has a couple root tips poking out at least one drain hole so they're growing.

View attachment 5127747

Trying to take the pics with a tape sux so I'll just report the heights and get the side view shot so you can see the difference. The look better from the top tho. :)

View attachment 5127748

This is my Earth Lover all CBD plant 3rd clone generation from seed. The two clones in the front of that 6-hole pot with the empty spot in the middle are her sister clones and she looked like the one on the left a little less than 4 days ago when I took this pic tonight. I used straight ProMix HP and watered it in with some REMO VeloKelp 1-1-1 at 1ml/L. Nothing else other than a secret ingredient called DynoMyco and some dextrose to feed the bio-herd! I mixed 2g into the promix and sprinkled a bit in the hole.

This is not usually a fast growing plant. Got huge at 5' outside when I grew the great grandmother from seed but indoor hasn't been a star. I'm pleasantly surprised.

View attachment 5127752

I'm going to need to do another trial like this using just promix and hydro nutes. Dynomyco is supposed to work well with hydro nutes as well and I never have trouble growing with that combo.

C'ya soon!

Hi OldMedUser
I look at the clones in this post and feel they have been kept to wet. I find keeping the medium lightly moist, light in fertilizer like a seedling mix, misting and a dome will keep clones like new till rooted.
Are the white specs on the leaves of the clones and the plant in the larger pot anything of concern?
I'll move on after this post, I just want to point out what I'm seeing before someone else does.
Hi OldMedUser
I look at the clones in this post and feel they have been kept to wet. I find keeping the medium lightly moist, light in fertilizer like a seedling mix, misting and a dome will keep clones like new till rooted.
Are the white specs on the leaves of the clones and the plant in the larger pot anything of concern?
I'll move on after this post, I just want to point out what I'm seeing before someone else does.

The specks are thrip damage and being dealt with. I had a couple of fem autos in there that I had basically ignored for a while as they were just ripening fem seeds from a 3rd girl that became the pollen donor and was removed a while ago. Started harvesting seeds last night only to find they were full of thrips so cut the branches off and tossed them into paper bags to dry right out then I'll just crumble the buds up to get the seeds and toss the pot. Only about 1/2 oz on them and all that bug poop turns me off. A seed from one had taken root in the soil so it will be grown out and sprayed with STS to get pollen to use on other F1s I'll be growing outside this summer to get F2s to share with the original breeder. A cross of GG#4 auto and Mazar auto called Mazarilla by Urban Legends. I'm way up in northern Alberta and autos are best for outdoor growing here with our short but intense growing season. They really grow well under 18 hours of sunlight every day for a couple months.

Those little ugly clones there are GG#4 that just refused to root until the very last and were watered just before the pic. I'm probably going to toss them as their momma is such a finicky girl I've already planned to not grow any more of it unless the buds on her bowl me over at harvest. There's one there that will go into a 1L pot soon and I'll keep alive until momma is done. The Pink Kush that are the stars of this sitcom are of much more interest.

I generally get 100% with my clones and did with this last batch too but took 3 of everything to cover my ass and will be chucking out good clones if I don't find homes for them. Have extras of the Kush and another strain called Cherry Noir that is primo stuff.

I need a good CBD auto now then can grow the bulk of my meds outdoors and just work on breeding and making fem seeds indoors. Power is so expensive now free light is worth using.

Well they're improving with every new set of leaves and putting those out faster now. I meant to water in a little kelp the last time I watered but forgot to put it in so in another day or two they'll get watered and I won't forget this time.

Dyno is 8" even now with both the others at 7". In a couple weeks should be able to pull them out of the pots and see some root porn. Just want to make sure they have enough to hold the root ball together and will try it when they are just about to get watered like when repotting.

The crappy view first this time.


Nice healthy centres on all the new growth. Lowered the light 2" to 16" off the tops now.



Took the two seeded plants out and now without that source of thrips I've hunted down the remainders to a few so should be wiped out in a few days. So much easier than mites to deal with.

All for now!

woohoo.gif The girls are really perking up now after a feed of the VeloKelp. Just 1ml/L a few days ago and again tonight. 600ml each to keep feed levels even with all tho the dugout one seems to feel lighter so using a bit more water between feeds.

They've all grown 3" since the last update on the 5th so 1/2"/day is pretty good for the lighting and just recovering from their 'mishap'. :)

I think I'll go about another week then repot them and get some root porn pics. I really need more grow space so hunting around for a tent to put downstairs or build a space. A 4x4 at the least so I can get them under a 400W CMH and veg them properly.

The Dyno plant is still an inch taller than the other two at 11" and has a more 'vibrant' look to me.

Should have killed the side light. Bleached things out a bit. They must be happy as they're all praying. I removed a pair of fan leaves in the middle on each plant.


Better lighting for the overhead shot.


I think I'll be topping the side branches to control the spread. For a Kush plant they have the structure of a sativa dominant. The leaves are kushy tho.
