What was your first pipe?

that could not be more true. I vape because a pack of 20s here is $35. Everytime i sit somewhere and cloud i get some dude wanting to talk about our vapes for half an hour...im like....dude, its just my form of nicotine replacement. It's not my identity.

It's like vapers clothing habits. Wearing a vape branded shirt or hat is like a necessity. How often do you see smokers wearing cigarette branded clothing apparel....never.
You used to! Joe Camel Jackets, Marlboro hoodies and vests, Salem, Newport, all of them had "reward" programs with different merchandise. Zippos, Keychain, hats, same shit new target.

And my first pipe that graduated to my first bong was a 1/2 inch pneumatics coupler with a screen stuffed in it.
You used to! Joe Camel Jackets, Marlboro hoodies and vests, Salem, Newport, all of them had "reward" programs with different merchandise. Zippos, Keychain, hats, same shit new target.

And my first pipe that graduated to my first bong was a 1/2 inch pneumatics coupler with a screen stuffed in it.
Early 90's were ridiculous werent they? Lol. Yup, when I started smoking packs were $1.80 , Marlboro miles and Camel bucks were in full swing. Great deals too, $1000 spent on cigs would get ya a "free" cooler:bigjoint:
speaking of cig prices...

when i was like 8 my mom(rip) would have me walk down to the store to buy her cigs with a dollar.

they were 3 packs of pall mall for 99 cents, i could keep the penny for a candy, but it had to be a hard candy, chocolate candys didnt last long enough
I remember doing the same thing. 9 years old back in the earky 90s and off to the shops to get some durries for me mum. $3 nowhere near as cheap but still a shock.

Asked for a pack of Winnie blues. Wanted some candy but I had a super crush on the woman that worked there. I got nervous and asked for "red foreskins" instead of four redskins. I will never forget that moment lol.
I was taking a soldering class in High School and the last thing we were supposed to do for the next class was to turn the irons on so they would be hot for the next class. I decided to share the smell of the resin built up in the chamber of my corn cob pipe with the next class. I smeared some on an iron and turned it on and left. That room reeked a bit. :roll:
Me and my buddy made one out of brass fittings from his dads shop, after one of the employees sold us a quarter ounce for $5. We also stole a fifth of Black Velvet out of his dads office and we got fu**ed up until we puked...We were 13 years old.

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The first pipe I ever used was some wooden one i found in a bunch of my dad's random belongings, in the garage.

The first one i ever owned, was one of these:
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Just looking at this pic makes me hear the whistle of lighter fluid getting sucked thru that lid :lol: :lol:
I've still got a box full of these parts. All purchased at Deja Vu in the malls of the 80's. I carried one with a 6 section chamber.
My first pipe was a ceramic hash pipe, metallic purple with a gold pot leaf.
My first pipe was a screw together type made of brass lamp parts. Rocked that shit for years. Later in my 20's I learned to carve stone pipes. I started with soapstone, then serpentine, and alabaster. Eventually I made them from Minnesota Pipestone. They were pretty nice and I tried selling them at Grateful Dead shows and stuff a bit, but it was right when glass pipes were the new thing, and I couldn't compete with those prices for my hand carved works, so put the project aside. A few years ago, I decided to carve myself a pipe again, and ordered some pipestone from Ebay. Here's a few pics. You can see how it progressed from raw stone to a nice hand polished piece.

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I sure like that Minnesota pipe stone one . Visited the Minnesota pipestone national monument a couple times as a kid . Mom and dad wouldn’t buy one though just a carved turtle was what I got .

My first pipe and still have was given to me by a friend (probably 25yrs + ago) who got it from one of his . I’m thinking it’s from the 80’s possible earlier . Just a small wooden pipe that I cherish. It even found it’s way back to me after my life altering accident . My buddy actually went back and found it .
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